
Firebase Cloud Messaging plugin for Godot ening

Primary LanguagePython

Firebase Cloud Messaging plugin for Godot engine.


Use NativeLib Addon or NativeLib-CLI for installation.

Don't forget to put file google-services.json in folder android/build before exporting project.

For iOS:

  • ensure that plugin NativeLib-Export installed and enabled
  • add GoogleService-Info.plist in addons/nativelib-export/iOS

Setup custom notification icon for Android

  1. After NativeLib FCM setup notifications will show up without your desired "notification_icon.png" but a white square ot something you didn't want.

  2. Add the white notification icon notification_icon.png under yourgodotproject/android/build/res/mipmap/.

  3. In the AndroidManifest.xml under yourgodotproject/android/build/ inside :

<meta-data android:name="com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_icon" android:resource="@mipmap/notification_icon" />


Subscribe for two signals:

    messaging.connect('token_received', self, '_on_token_received')
    messaging.connect('message_received', self, '_on_message_received')

func _on_token_received(token: String) -> void:

func _on_message_received(message: Dictionary) -> void:

Also you can check token during app initialization:

token = messaging.get_token()