
Active Real Ring Modulator synth module in Kosmo format

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Active Real Ring Modulator

This is a Kosmo format synth module based on Ken Stone's CGS [https://sdiy.info/wiki/CGS_active_real_ring_modulator](Active Real Ring Modulator).

Main difference with Stone's original are:

  • The instrument preamplifier was omitted
  • Transformer footprints are for the TY-141P instead of the less available MO222
  • Final stage input resistor is decreased to 10k, output resistor is increased to 1k, and a 100k pulldown is added on the output.

Current draw

11.5 mA +12 V, 11.5 mA -12 V



GitHub repository


This repo uses submodules aoKicad and Kosmo_panel, which provide needed libaries for KiCad. To clone:

git clone git@github.com:holmesrichards/arrm.git
git submodule init
git submodule update

Alternatively do

git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:holmesrichards/arrm.git

Or if you download the repository as a zip file, you must also click on the "aoKicad" and "Kosmo_panel" links on the GitHub page (they'll have "@ something" after them) and download them as separate zip files which you can unzip into this repo's aoKicad and Kosmo_panel directories.

If desired, copy the files from aoKicad and Kosmo_panel to wherever you prefer (your KiCad user library directory, for instance, if you have one). Then in KiCad, go into Edit Symbols and add symbol libraries


and go into Edit Footprints and add footprint libraries
