
In this repository, I store my solved problems during my university education.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

๐Ÿ“œ About Repository

SAED stands for Synopsys Armenia Educational Department, the university where I received my bachelor's degree.
In this repository, I store my solved problems, which I have done as homework during SAED's C++ course.

๐Ÿ“‘ Subjects

  1. Given a sorted array[x] of integers and the f(x) = x^x function, write a program that will produce a sorted array[y] with y[i] = f(x[i]) elements in O(n) time.
  2. Write a program that will count the number of inversions in an array in O(nlogn) time.
  3. Given a NxN matrix, where N is a positive integer, write a program that will clockwise rotate the matrix 90 degrees. Write the non-in-place version using O(NxN) space.
  4. Write the in-place version for problem 3 using O(1) space. e.g: Input: n = 4, matrix: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. Output: 13 9 5 1 14 10 6 2 15 11 7 3 16 12 8 4.
  5. Given a string of words separated by spaces. Write an O(n) program to reverse the string. e.g: Input: "abc ef" Output: "fe cba".
  6. Write an O(n) program to reverse the words in a string. E.g., Input: "abc defg hi klmn". Output: "klmn hi defg abc".
  7. Define a Student structure containing the following fields: "name" for first and last names, "group" for group number and grades for an array of 10 subjects. Write a function that will input n students from the given stream and save them, sorted by the average of their grades.
  8. Write a program that will take an input string and prints the data of students from problem 07 whose first name ends with the given string letters.
  9. Given an n-sized array of non-negative integers, write a program that will arrange the elements in such a way that their concatenation will produce the largest possible number. The function should return the resulting number as a single string. Note: Since the concatenation may produce a larger integer than allowed, to avoid overflow, use std::string.
  10. Write a program that takes n and d integers as arguments, where d is necessarily a power of 2, and computes "n modulo d", namely the remainder, using bitwise operations, i.e. without % or /.
  11. Write a program that takes n and d integers as arguments and left-rotates n by d bits. Example: input: n = 16, i.e., (000...00010000)2; d = 2; output: 64, i.e., (000...01000000)2.
  12. Write a program that takes an integer and checks if it's a power of 4 in O(1).
  13. Write a program that takes n, p and r as integer arguments and swaps the bits of position p and r in n. Example: Input: n = 11, i.e. (0...01011)2, p = 1, r = 4; Output: 25, i.e. (0....11001)2.
  14. Extend the swapping program (problem 13) so that it takes the 4th integer q, indicating the number of bits to swap. Example: Input: n = 47, i.e., (00101111)2, p = 1, r = 5, q = 3. Output: 227, i.e. (11100011)2.
  15. Write a C-style variadic function that takes a string and a bunch of numbers and replaces each "#" symbol with a corresponding number. replace("aa# nn # cc## e", 3, 12, -2, 1) should return "aa3 nn 12 cc-21 e".
  16. Solve problem 15 by using a variadic template.
  17. Write an optimal function that takes a positive integer n and returns the smallest power of 2 larger than n. Try to solve it using O(1) time complexity.
  18. Write a program using templates to calculate the factorial of the given number during compilation (compile time).
  19. Solve problem 18 using the constexpr function.
  20. Write a program using templates to calculate the Nth Fibonacci number during compilation (compile time).
  21. Implement a high-order function that multiplies two given numbers located in different parentheses. Use lambda expressions to solve this problem. Example: mult(5)(8) should return a value: 40.
  22. Solve problem 21 for five numbers, which are located in 5 different parentheses. Example: mult(2)(7)(-8)(6)(3) should return a value: -2016.
  23. Write a saxpy() function(SAXPY stands for โ€œSingle-Precision A * X + Yโ€) that takes three vectors and calculates an result[i] = 2 * a[i] + b[i] expression for each element of the resulting vector. Use CUDA to calculate SAXPY on the GPU.
  24. Write a function to find the middle node value in the linked list.
  25. Write a function to detect if there is a loop in the given list.
  26. Write a function that will reverse the doubly linked list.