
A JS wrapper around the TZKT API

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A Promise-based Typescript wrapper for the tzKT API.

Module Usage

Create the following main.js file for your project:

import * as tzkt from "./dist/modules/quote";

let quote = await Quote.last();
which should produce output similar to the following:
    "level": 1540039,
    "timestamp": "2021-07-02T06:12:18.000Z",
    "btc": 0.00008502634076488495,
    "eur": 2.364919870348515,
    "usd": 2.8003953491122076,
    "cny": 18.147962059921642,
    "jpy": 312.4811815749048,
    "krw": 3176.293749811731,
    "eth": 0.0013720118075705567

Then add it as a module to your markup:

    <script type="module" src="dist/modules/quote."></script>

Alternatively, the tzkt.js can be included instead:

<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/tzkt.js"></script>


While tzKT offers multiple ways of paginating, this wrapper implementation paginates using offset and limit values.

Here is an example of how to paginate through all Tezos accounts:

let accounts: Account[] = [],
    parameters: PaginationParameters = {
      'limit': 10000,
      'offset': 0
    page: Account[] = await Account.get(parameters);
while (page.length) {
  parameters.offset += page.length,
  page = await Account.get(parameters);
  for (var i = 0; i < page.length; i++) {

Using modifiers

Currently this library does not have full support for parameter modifiers (ex. eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, in, ni). This means:

  • In the case of Date parameters, developers must convert the Date instance to a string (using toISOString) when using modifiers, instead of passing in a Date instance:
    let valentinesDay: Date = new Date(2021, 1, 14),
        parameters: GetQuoteParameters = {'timestamp.gt': valentinesDay.toISOString()},
        quotes: Quote[] = await Quote.get(parameters);

Changing Networks

To change the network the API runs against, change the domain argument in the function/method to use a different base URL listed on the tzKT API home page.

let lastQuote: Quote = await Quote.last('https://api.florencenet.tzkt.io')


Forks/Pull Requests are welcome. Feel free to create issues where needed.