
Primary LanguageJavaScript

DAPP Base App

Running the containers

  • docker-compose up -d app ganache
  • docker-compose up -d app geth
  • docker-compose up -d app rinkeby

ONLY START 1 of the node containers at the same time

APP container

  • yarn run dev to start the frontend server
  • truffle test --network [ganache|geth] to run the contracts tests
  • truffle migrate --network [ganache|geth] to migrate the contracts
  • truffle console --network [ganache|geth] for an interactive console with the node

Truffle Console

Here are some commands to use with the contract

Get the contract instance

  • ContractName.deployed().then((instance) => {app = instance;});

Listen for Sale and Buy events

  • app.itemPutForSale({}, {fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest'}).watch((error, event) => {console.log(error); console.log(event)});
  • app.itemBought({}, {fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest'}).watch((error, event) => {console.log(error); console.log(event)});

Get an Item by its ID

  • app.items(1)

Put an Item for Sale

  • app.sellItem('Item 1', 'Description 1', web3.toWei(5, 'ether'), {from: web3.eth.accounts[0]});

Buy an Item

  • app.buyItem(1, {from: web3.eth.accounts[1], value: web3.toWei(5, 'ether')});

GANACHE container

  • The node starts automatically when the container is up
  • It will create 3 accounts with 100ETH each.

GETH container:

  • The node starts automatically when the container is up

  • The first time the node runs, it will generate the DAG data structure

    Check for "Generating DAG in progress" in the logs (docker logs -f <container_name>) and wait until it reaches 100% before using the node

  • 3 accounts will be created by default, with password pass1234

  • geth attach http://localhost:8545 to get a console

RINKEBY container:

  • The node starts automatically when the container is up

  • The first time the node runs, it will synchronize with the network. It will take a while.

    Check the logs (docker logs -f <container_name>) and wait until it finishes

  • 3 accounts will be created by default, with password M3rc4d0Ch41n88

  • geth attach http://localhost:8545 to get a console

  • In the geth console, you can execute eth.syncing to view the progress of the syncing process