
Study of transcription factor cooperativity

Primary LanguagePython


Study of transcription factor cooperativity

Table of contents

Understanding the data

  • Input files
    • tf1_list.txt
    • tf2_list.txt
    • rmsk.txt : RepeatMasker data
    • chip_seq_[tf1 code].txt : ChIP-seq data
    • M*.txt : TFBS data
  • Output files
    • d_TTT_[tf2 code].csv : TFBS pairs and distances inside tf1 ChIP-seq regions
    • d_FTT_[tf2 code].csv : TFBS pairs and distances outside tf1 ChIP-seq regions
    • f_[tf2 code].csv : distance frequencies
    • s_[tf2 code].txt : number of sites and cases
    • z.csv : pairs with z-scores greater or equal to Z_THRESHOLD



Understanding the data

The files used and generated by analyze.py can be accessed through the koksoak.cs.mcgill.ca server in the /scratch/dpham4/PI/data directory.

Input files


Path: /scratch/dpham4/PI/data/tf1_list.txt
Format: [tf1 code] [tf1 name]\n
Example: M00008 SP1

This file is a list of tf1s (transcription factors with available ChIP-seq data). M* indicates the forward strand, whereas M*_r indicates the reverse strand. This list was compiled from filenames matching M*_*.bed in /home/mcb/blanchem/wgEncodeRegTfbsClustered. Some tf1s were removed that contained noPhastCons in the filename, or due to empty TFBS files.

When running analyze.py, lines beginning with the # symbol will be ignored.


Path: /scratch/dpham4/PI/data/[chromosome]/tf2_list.txt
Format: [tf2 code]\n
Example: M00001

This file is a list of tf2s (all transcription factors being tested as candidate partners for tf1s). M* indicates the forward strand, whereas M*_r indicates the reverse strand. This list was compiled from filenames matching sites.M*.gz in /scratch/blanchem/[chromsome]/sites. Some tf2s were removed from the list due to empty TFBS files.

rmsk.txt : RepeatMasker data

Path: /scratch/dpham4/PI/data/[chromosome]/rmsk.txt
Format: [start position],[end position]\n
Example: 10000 10469

This file contains the positions of RepeatMasker regions in a particular chromosome. RepeatMasker data provides regions of known transposable elements in the genome. Extracted from the RepeatMasker data for all chromosomes at /scratch/dpham4/PI/data/rmsk.txt.gz.

chip_seq_[tf1 code].txt : ChIP-seq data

Path: /scratch/dpham4/PI/data/[chromosome]/chip_seq_[tf1 code].txt
Format: [chromosome] [start position] [end position] [tf1 name]\n
Example: chr1 713863 714256 SP1

This file contains the positions of ChIP-seq regions for a particular tf1 in a particular chromosome. These are experimentally verified regions that have been sequenced after being 'fished out' using the given tf1. The tf1 may not be directly bound to the region. Extracted from /home/mcb/blanchem/wgEncodeRegTfbsClustered/[tf1 code]_[tf1 name].bed.

M*.txt : TFBS data

Path: /scratch/dpham4/PI/data/[chromosome]/[tf1 or tf2 code].txt
Format: [genome] [site position] [score] [sequence]\n
Example: 0 10974 -9.58 GAGGCGTGGC

This file contains TFBS positions for either a tf1 or tf2. The 0 in the first column indicates that the sites are found in the human genome (hg19). The site position in the second column is used in analyze.py, but the remaining columns are unused. Extracted from /scratch/blanchem/[chromsome]/sites/sites.[tf1 or tf2 code].gz

Output files

d_TTT_[tf2 code].csv : TFBS pairs and distances

Inside tf1 ChIP-seq regions

Path: /scratch/dpham4/PI/data/[chromosome]/[tf1 code]/d_TTT_[tf2 code].csv
Format: [tf1 site position],[tf2 site position],[distance]\n
Example: 23181478,23181471,7

This file reports the positions of pairs with predicted sites that are found in tf1 ChIP-seq regions, and the absolute value between them, if the distance between pairs is less than MAX_TFBS_DIST. The positions may be useful for searching the UCSC Genome Browser or the Bejerano GREAT tool.

d_FTT_[tf2 code].csv : TFBS pairs and distances

Outside tf1 ChIP-seq regions

Path: /scratch/dpham4/PI/data/[chromosome]/[tf1 code]/d_FTT_[tf2 code].csv
Format: [tf1 site position],[tf2 site position],[distance]\n
Example: 58313,58217,96

This file reports the positions of pairs predicted sites that are not found in tf1 ChIP-seq regions, and the absolute value between them, if the distance between pairs is less than MAX_TFBS_DIST. The positions may be useful for searching the UCSC Genome Browser or the Bejerano GREAT tool.

f_[tf2 code].csv : distance frequencies

Path: /scratch/dpham4/PI/data/[chromosome]/[tf1 code]/f_[tf2 code].csv
Format: [distance],[frequency],[z-score]\n
Example: 7,929,155.999906228

This file reports (regardless of TTT or FTT categorization) the distance between pairs of binding sites, the number of times that distance was found, and a z-score. The z-score is calculated as (frequency - mean) / (standard deviation), where the mean and standard deviation have been calculated for distances greater than or equal to MIN_MEAN_CUTOFF.

The purpose of MIN_MEAN_CUTOFF is to determine a 'background level' frequency. The first few distances are ignored as they may have large frequencies from similar PWMs (Position Weight Matrices). See Professor Blanchette for an explanation of the similar PWMs issue.

s_[tf2 code].txt : number of sites and cases

Path: /scratch/dpham4/PI/data/[chromosome]/[tf1 code]/s_[tf2 code].txt
<tf1 code> <number of tf1 sites>\n
<tf2 code> <number of tf2 sites>\n
TTT <number of TTT cases>\n
FTT <number of FTT cases>\n
M00795_r 36683
M00059_r 84099
FTT 4349

This file reports counts of the number of predicted tf1 and tf2 sites, as well as the number of pairs categorized as TTT or FTT.

z.csv : pairs with z-scores greater or equal to Z_THRESHOLD

Path: /scratch/dpham4/PI/data/z.csv
Format: [args],[highest z-score]\n
Example: chr1 POU2F2 M00795_r M00059_r,155.999906228

A line is appended to this file if the pair's frequency data contains a z-score greater or equal to Z_THRESHOLD. The line contains args (chromosome, tf1 name, tf1 code, tf2 code), and the highest z-score found.


Accessed through koksoak.cs.mcgill.ca, the files required to run analyze.py are located in the /scratch/dpham4/PI/pair_identify directory. They have the same contents as the files in this GitHub repository.


Python: 2.7.3 on koksoak server

File descriptions


.gitignore: Files listed in the .gitignore will not be tracked by git
README.md: This documentation
init.py: Enables Python to treat pair_identify as a package


setup.sh: Sets up rmsk, chip_seq_M*, M* files required for one set of args if they don't exist
min_rmsk.py: Removes unnecessary columns from rmsk.txt, automatically run in setup.sh
tf2_list.py: Sets up tf2_list.txt if it doesn't exist, automatically run with analyze.py --all


analyze.py: Main program, uses previously setup input files and generates output files
casedata.py: Module containing study(), which generates data for TTT/FTT cases and frequencies
stats.py: Module containing z_scores(), mean(), std() for calculating z-scores

Data classes

rmsk.py: Module containing RMSK class, which loads and stores RepeatMasker data
chipseq.py: Module containing ChipSeq class, which loads and stores ChIP-seq data
tfbs.py: Module containing TFBS class, which loads and stores TFBS data for tf1 or tf2


log: Processing and Completed args with the local time, appended to log while analyze.py is running
Note: log is cleared at the beginning of running all args in analyze.py

Running analyze.py

Either one pair of TFs or all pairs of TFs can be run by analyze.py. Any input files for this pair must be setup before before running analyze.py.

For chr1: RepeatMasker, 45 ChIP-seq, 1243 TFBS files have already been prepared.

One pair

Usage: python analyze.py [chromosome] [tf1 name] [tf1 code] [tf2 code]
Example: python analyze.py chr1 POU2F2 M00795_r M00059_r

All pairs

Usage: python analyze.py --all [chromosome]
Example: python analyze.py --all chr1

Using screen

It is very useful to run python analyze.py --all chr1 using a detached screen so the program continues running even after logging out of the server. You may find a screen user manual useful, but here are some basic commands:

  • To invoke a new screen, run the screen command
  • Run the desired commands within the new screen
  • To detach from the screen, press ctrl + a, then d
  • To reattach the screen, run screen -d -r
  • If several screens are running, reattach one via screen -d -r [identifier]
    e.g. screen -d -r 11189.pts-5.koksoak
  • For a list of invoked screens, run screen -ls
  • To kill a screen, run screen -X -S [identifier] kill
  • To exit a screen, reattach it and run exit

Setting up additional input files

One pair

setup.sh requires the following original input files:

  • RepeatMasker: /scratch/dpham4/PI/data/rmsk.txt.gz
  • ChIP-seq: /home/mcb/blanchem/wgEncodeRegTfbsClustered/[tf1 code (0:6)]_[tf1 name].bed
    Note: same ChIP-seq file used for forward and reverse strands, so tf1 code without _r is used
  • TFBS (tf1): /scratch/blanchem/[chromosome]/sites/sites.[tf1 code].gz
  • TFBS (tf2): /scratch/blanchem/[chromosome]/sites/sites.[tf2 code].gz

If the original input files are all present, run setup.sh:

Usage: ./setup.sh [chromosome] [tf1 name] [tf1 code] [tf2 code]
Example: ./setup.sh chr1 POU2F2 M00795_r M00059_r

If grep fails, or does not find any matches, it will return 0. In turn, setup.sh will return an exit code corresponding to the file it was unable to prepare: {1: RepeatMasker, 2: ChIP-seq, 3: tf1 TFBS, 4: tf2 TFBS}.

All pairs

There is no script for setting up files for all pairs, since analyze.py was modified to do the task only once. It is straightforward to run setup.sh using your own list of args.

To call setup.sh in a Python script:

  • from subprocess import call
  • call('./setup.sh %s' % args, shell=True)
    where args has the format '[chromosome] [tf1 name] [tf1 code] [tf2 code]'

To include the new tf1 or tf2 when running all pairs in analyze.py:

Note: for any chromosome other than chr1, you may need to remove TFs from tf2_list if the original TFBS files are empty (the tf2_list for chr1 has already been cleaned up manually)


  • Further filtering of the args in z.csv
  • Check positions of interesting distances for proximity to genes (GREAT)
  • Data analysis to find supporting evidence of transcription factor cooperation
  • Apply approach to extant mammalian genomes and inferred ancestral mammalian genomes
    Note: current TFBS data provides positions relative to the human genome, but the TFBS positions required are from the original genomes


Feel free to use or modify any part of the existing code to suit the needs of your project.

For questions or clarification, email danielle.pham@mail.mcgill.ca.