
Basic url shortener (Node.js)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A basic url shortener

Basic requirements

  • Build a webpage you can visit in a web browser
  • Make a form on this webpage
  • Make submitting the form return a new link
  • Make that link redirect you to the original site
  • Remember how many times that link is used



Yarn (package manager)

Yarn installation docs. If you have Homebrew:

brew install yarn


Installing Node.js with a package manager. If you have Node Version Manager (nvm):

nvm install node
nvm use node


git clone git@github.com:quelledanielle/short-url.git
cd short-url
yarn install

Running the local server

yarn serve

Open localhost:3000 in a browser


  • Express: minimal web framework for Node.js
  • Pug: static template engine
  • Jest: JavaScript testing framework

Advanced requirements

  • Make shortened links not predictable
  • Display data on how much that link gets used
  • Style page a bit
  • Load test server
  • Make click data private to whoever made the original shortened link
  • Break down link click stats by browser
  • Deploy site somewhere besides localhost
  • Make a bookmarklet that gives the user the shortened version of a link without leaving a page.
  • Update your link click stats in realtime (no refresh required)
  • Allow user to choose a URL