
Case management and IT modernization platform.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


ArkCase aims to be the leading open source case management and IT modernization platform. After supporting numerous case management and IT modernization initiatives, the team at Armedia developed a framework to accelerate these initiatives and to reduce the cost of implementation. That framework matured and is the basis for ArkCase. We have and will continue to invest in making ArkCase a premier platform for IT modernization. As a thank you to our customers who embarked on this journey with us and a thank you to all the software engineers that have contributed open source technologies to advance this industry, ArkCase is now open source!

Run ArkCase in a Standalone VM

To evaluate ArkCase, or try it out, or just see how it works; in short, to run ArkCase in a VM without having to install all the developer tools, just follow the directions here: https://github.com/ArkCase/arkcase-ce#how-to-run-arkcase

And you can skip the Developer Setup section below.

Developer Setup

This section documents how developers can build and run ArkCase. (For non-developers, and anyone who just wants to run ArkCase, please read the above section; you don't need to follow the rest of this wiki).


Start the Vagrant VM

In this section you will start the Vagrant VM which runs the services ArkCase requires. These services include Solr, ActiveMQ, MySQL, Alfresco, and Pentaho.

First, install all the prerequisites (see Prerequisites section above).

Next, build the Vagrant VM according to the instructions in the arkcase-ce repository: https://github.com/ArkCase/arkcase-ce.

After the box is up, the following URLs should work from your browser; be aware that ArkCase uses a self-signed root TLS certificate, so you will have to accept the browser warning about the unrecognized root certificate.




https://arkcase-ce.local/VirtualViewerJavaHTML5 (expect a 503 error from this URL)

Update the Vagrant VM Hosts File

First, find the IP address of your VirtualBox network. From the VirtualBox GUI, open File / Host Network Manager. Most likely the IP address you need is the one for the vboxnet1 adapter, which will be shown as something like You want the part before the /24.

Next, ssh into the VM: vagrant ssh (from the same folder as the Vagrantfile).

Next, become the root user: sudo su -

Next, view the contents of /etc/hosts: cat /etc/hosts. It will display something like this:

[vagrant@arkcase-ce ~]$ cat /etc/hosts       arkcase-ce.local        arkcase-ce   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 arkcase-ce.local arkcase-host acm-activemq

Note that the host arkcase-host has IP address of You want to replace it with the IP address you identified above.

Run this command: sed 's| arkcase-host||g' /etc/hosts, being careful to replace with the IP address you identified above. It will output the updated text, but will not actually update /etc/hosts:

[root@arkcase-ce ~]# sed 's| arkcase-host| arkcase-host|g' /etc/hosts       arkcase-ce.local        arkcase-ce   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 arkcase-ce.local arkcase-host acm-activemq

If it seems OK (that is: if the old arkcase-host line with is gone and the new arkcase-host line with the right IP address is there, then you can update /etc/hosts itself: sed -i 's| arkcase-host| arkcase-host|g' /etc/hosts.

Now you can cat /etc/hosts again and it should look OK.

Finally, restart httpd:

systemctl restart httpd

Now you can exit out of your ssh session in the Vagrant VM.

Clone the repository and build the war file

Clone this repository to a folder of your choice.

cd to the root folder of this repository; then run mvn -DskipITs clean install. This will run the unit tests and build the war file. It will take a few minutes.

Clone the configuration folder

ArkCase requires a configuration folder which is housed in another GitHub repository: https://github.com/ArkCase/.arkcase; follow the instructions at this link to setup the configuration folder.

Run the Configuration Server

Starting with version 3.3.1, ArkCase requires a separate configuration server, based on Spring Cloud Config Server (more info here: https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-config). To start the config server, take these steps:

ArkCase expects the config server to run at port 9999, as shown above.

Configure Tomcat

Tomcat Native Connector

Make sure the Tomcat native connector library is being used.

Tomcat TLS Configuration

In your Tomcat 9 installation, edit the conf/server.xml file, and add the following connector, below the existing connector for port 8080:

    <Connector port="8843"
           maxThreads="150" SSLEnabled="true" secure="true" scheme="https"
      <UpgradeProtocol className="org.apache.coyote.http2.Http2Protocol" />
      <SSLHostConfig protocols="TLSv1.2" certificateVerification="none">
        <Certificate certificateFile="${user.home}/.arkcase/acm/private/acm-arkcase.crt"
                    type="RSA" />

Also, search for the text Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener", and make sure to add the useAprConnector="true" attribute, so it ends like this:

<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" SSLEngine="on" useAprConnector="true"/>

Tomcat setenv.sh file

Create the file bin/setenv.sh, mark it executable, and set the contents as the following, being careful to set the correct path to the Tomcat native library:


### REPLACE ${user.home} with the actual path to your home folder, e.g. /Users/dmiller
export JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Duser.timezone=GMT  -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=password -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=password -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=${user.home}/.arkcase/acm/private/arkcase.ks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=${user.home}/.arkcase/acm/private/arkcase.ts -Dspring.profiles.active=ldap -Dacm.configurationserver.propertyfile=${user.home}/.arkcase/acm/conf.yml -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M"

export NODE_ENV=development

# MacOS Example: export CATALINA_OPTS=/usr/local/opt/tomcat-native/lib"

export CATALINA_PID=$CATALINA_HOME/temp/catalina.pid

Again, be sure to replace ${user.home} in the above script, with the actual full path to your home folder.

Start Tomcat

Now you should be able to start Tomcat: $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/startup.sh.

To shutdown Tomcat: $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/shutdown.sh -force.

Deploy the ArkCase war file

The result of the command mvn -DskipITs clean install (described above) is the war file acm-standard-applications/acm-law-enforcement/target/acm-law-enforcement-(version).war, where (version) is the Maven version string.

Copy this file to $TOMCAT_HOME, rename it to arkcase.war, and move the arkcase.war to $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps. Then, watch the Tomcat log file ($TOMCAT_HOME/logs/catalina.out). The first startup will take 5 - 10 minutes.

If you see any errors that prevent application startup (in other words: if after Tomcat has started, you get a 404 error from https://arkcase-ce.local/arkcase, raise a GitHub issue in this repository.

Trusting the self-signed ArkCase certificate

Once you see that Tomcat has started successfully, you should be able to open https://arkcase-ce.local/arkcase in your browser.

When you open ArkCase in your browser, you will have to accept the warning about an unrecognized, self-signed root certificate. The certificate is signed by a self-signed ArkCase certificate authority. Follow the right procedure for your operating system to trust this certificate.

MacOS: A good guide is here, https://www.accuweaver.com/2014/09/19/make-chrome-accept-a-self-signed-certificate-on-osx/

Logging into ArkCase

Once you see the ArkCase login page, you can log in with the default administrator account. User arkcase-admin@arkcase.org, password @rKc@3e.

IDE Integration

ArkCase is a Maven project with a standard Maven folder layout. You can load it into your chosen IDE or editor in whichever way is supported by your editor; if your IDE supports starting and launching a war file, this should work in the normal way. Detailed steps to configure IDE integration is beyond the scope of this guide.

ArkCase developers have used IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse. Visual Studio Code is usable as a code editor, but you have to deploy ArkCase manually as described above; so far VS Code seems unable to deploy ArkCase from within itself.