Manual test on heroku

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"gender":"male","first_name":"First","last_name":"Last","email":"","street":"Address","city":"12345 City","interest":"ausland","country":true,"camp":"ausland","lang":"de"}'

download xlsx file from heroku: with the credentials provided in the .env.sample file

Server routes

  • GET / - returns the route name
  • POST /save - you need to send some params to this route and they will be saved in db.json file. For the time being i am saving all the params that are sent. When we will have the form defined will allow only those params
  • GET /auth/download - will download the excel file after the user provides the credentials set in .env file
  • GET /auth/reset-db - will truncute db.json

Sending emails

In order to be able to send email you need to copy .env.sample to .env and adjust the values inside

Run email previews

$ npm run start-emails

Browser will automatically opens the list of templates in http://localhost:3000

Translation part

$ npm run start-emails --lang=en

--lang=en is default

Build emails for each lang

$ npm run emails-build