
Messing with Lean

Primary LanguageLean


Messing with Lean

Couple of things here. Nothing finished. Just scraps.


Implements a simple tactic zoom. If you're trying to prove goal q and have hypothesis p then zoom p x does a simple structural "diff" from p to q and leaves you with the task of proving the difference.

For example if your goal is (¬ (e ∧ (a → f)) ∧ d) ∧ c, and you have hypothesis ¬ (e ∧ (b → f)) ∧ d) ∧ c → (¬ (e ∧ (a → f)) ∧ d) ∧ c it should be clear that you only need to prove b → a and that's what zoom leaves you with. The first argument is the name you want for the new hypthesis that you'll be using.

Above example:

example (a b c d e f : Prop) (hyp : b → a) :
  (¬ (e ∧ (b → f)) ∧ d) ∧ c → (¬ (e ∧ (a → f)) ∧ d) ∧ c :=
  intro hac,
  zoom z hac,
  apply hyp, assumption,

Work in progress. Removed support for a → b because of the way apply treats a → b → c.