The Interview Scheduler is a single page application, built using React. The app allows users to book interview appointments for each weekday, across 5 timeslots each day. Data is persisted by the API server using a PostgreSQL database. Jest tests were used throughout the development of this project, as well as some end-to-end testing with Cypress.
Interview Scheduler demo (delete, create, update) |
Install dependencies with npm install
npm start
npm test
npm run storybook
- Axios 0.26.1 or above,
- Classnames 2.2.6 or above,
- Normalize.css 8.0.1 or above,
- React 16.9.0 or above,
- React-dom 16.9.0 or above,
- React-scripts 3.0.0 or above
- @babel/core 7.4.3 or above
- @storybook/addon-actions 5.0.10 or above
- @storybook/addon-backgrounds 5.0.10 or above
- @storybook/addon-links 5.0.10 or above
- @storybook/addons 5.0.10 or above
- @storybook/react 5.0.10 or above
- @testing-library/jest-dom 4.0.0 or above
- @testing-library/react 8.0.7 or above
- @testing-library/react-hooks 7.0.2 or above
- babel-loader 8.0.5 or above
- cypress 9.5.3 or above
- node-sass 4.14.0 or above
- prop-types 15.8.1 or above
- react-test-renderer 16.14.0 or above