
Caspistrano recipe to deploy internal applications

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Capistrano recipe for Tomcat


  1. bash
  2. apt-get (otherwise disable installing curl and install it manually)
  3. user with sudo rights


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

group :development do
    gem 'tomcat_deployment', :git => "git://github.com/dpisarewski/tomcat_deployment.git"

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install tomcat_deployment


  1. Create 'deploy.rb' file and define application name, server, user, password, tomcat directory and environment in it

    require "bundler/setup"
    require "tomcat_deployment"
    set :application, "my_application"
    server "myhost", :web, :app, :db
    set :user, "deploy-user"
    set :password, "deploy user password"
    set :tomcat_home, "/opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.33"
    set :stage, "production"

    User is 'deploy-user' by default.

    Optional you can define you ruby version. jruby-1.6.5 will be used by default.

    set :rvm_ruby_string, "jruby-1.6.5@#{application}"

2. If you deploy to many stages, you can create 'deploy' directory with your many deployment configurations. In this case 'deploy.rb' will be used for common settings.

  mkdir deploy
  touch deploy/staging.rb
  touch deploy/production.rb

3. Set up migrations task using available tasks for migrations or define yours(db.create_db, db.copy_production_to_staging, db.copy_data_from_production, db.migrate). You have to run task 'gems.copy_bundle' before any task that runs ruby on the server.

  namespace :deploy do
    task :migrations do |t|

  db.create_db, db.copy_production_to_staging and db.copy_data_from_production work only with MySQL database.

4. If it's the first deployment run `cap <environment> deploy:setup`

5. Run `cap <environment> deploy`

6. If there are new migrations in the release run `cap <environment> deploy:migrations`

### Options
If you want to backup war file before replacing it with new one add:

set :backup_war_file, true

If you want to use database configuration file different from 'database.yml' define:

set :database_config, "your configuration file"

To define tomcat user add:

set :tomcat_user, "your tomcat user"

If you want to kill tomcat process after shutdown add:

set :tomcat_process_name, "your tomcat process name"

To set pause after tomcat shutdown add:

set :restart_pause, 3

To skip installing curl on setup or to skip adding github public key:

set :install_software_requirements, false
set :add_github_public_key