
My very first own library

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION




This project aims to code a C library regrouping usual functions that will be used for all next projects. Later projects are included to the library. Ex: ft_printf.


Some functions present the same prototype and behaviors as the originals. Others are either not included in the libc, or included in a different form.

Libc Functions

Re-code of a set of the libc functions, as defined in their man.

Function Description
ft_isalpha alphabetic character check
ft_isdigit digit character check
ft_isalnum alphanumeric character check
ft_isascii ASCII character check
ft_isprint printable character check
ft_strlen calculate the length of a string
ft_memset fill memory with a constant byte
ft_bzero zero a byte string
ft_memcpy copies n bytes from src to dst
ft_memmove copies n bytes from src to dst
ft_strlcpy size-bounded string copying
ft_strlcat size-bounded string concatenation
ft_toupper convert character to uppercase
ft_tolower convert character to lowercase
ft_strchr locate character in string
ft_strrchr locate character in string backwards
ft_strncmp compare two strings
ft_memchr scan memory for a character
ft_memcmp compare memory areas
ft_strnstr locate a substring in a string
ft_atoi convert a string to an integer

Aditional Functions

Function Description
ft_calloc allocate dynamic memory
ft_strdup duplicate a string
ft_substr return a substring from a string
ft_strjoin string concatenation
ft_strtrim copy string trimming selected characters
ft_split split string with character as delimiter
ft_itoa return a string representing an integer
ft_strmapi apllies the provided function to each character
ft_striteri applies the provided function to each character passed by reference
ft_putchar_fd outputs character to fd
ft_putstr_fd outputs string to fd
ft_putendl_fd outputs string to fd followed by a new line
ft_putnbr_fd outputs integer to fd

Bonus Functions

The bonus functions are made to manage a list defined by the following struct:

typedef struct	s_list
	void		*content;	/* the data contained in the element */
	struct s_list 	*next;		/* the next element’s address || NULL if last element */
}	t_list;
Function Description
ft_lstnew create a new element
ft_lstadd_front adds the element at the beginning of the list
ft_lstadd_back adds the element at the end of the list
ft_lstsize counts the number of elements in a list
ft_lstlast returns the last element of the list
ft_lstdelone deletes the content and free the element
ft_lstclear deletes and free every element and its successors
ft_lstiter iterates the list applying the provided function
ft_lstmap iterates the list applying the provided function and return a list of affected elements

Project Functions

The following functions have been added to the library as result of later projects.

Function Description
get_next_line Returns a line, read from a file descriptor
ft_printf Re-code of printf


To compile the library, either run:

$ make

or if the ft_printf is allowed in the project:

$ make printf

Then, include its header in the code:

#include "libft.h"

or, with ft_printf allowed, you can add:

#include "ft_printf.h"

Lastly, add the following flags when compiling the project:

-L./libft_dir -I./libft_dir/includes -lft 


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