
Microfrontends architecture example via integration pattern. Bootstrap app with Angular and React child app. Docker & S3 ready.

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Micro frontends

A Docker ready example on how to create micro frontend via integration pattern and web components.

Before going into details of this PoC, it's strongly reccomended to take a look on the theory about Micro Frontend. A great explanation by Cam Jackson on martinfowler.com blog, here.


A micro frontend architecture using integration pattern through three different applications: a Bootstrap application which embeds two child applications, made in Angular and React, as a javascript single build file. Each application runs on a different Docker container (httpd based image).

High level flow

Applications details

Let's start to explain each application and the important details. I'll go through each one and at the end the Docker part will be explained.

Child Angular App

This is a SPA (Single Page Application) built with Angular 8.2.7. The application itself has MyCustomComponent which is the designated component to contain custom code.

On app.module.ts:

const { injector } = this;

 // create custom elements from angular components
const ngCustomElement = createCustomElement(MyCustomComponentComponent, { injector });

// define in browser registry
customElements.define('ng-el', ngCustomElement);

there's the component's definition as a CustomElement which will be injected within the Bootstrap app (we'll see detail about this later).

Since we need a single Javascript file, we should change the build phase within package.json:

"build": "ng build --prod --output-hashing none --single-bundle true"

This command will produce a main.js file on dist directory.

Child React App

This is a SPA built in React 16.9. Within the application lies a custom component: MyCustomReactComponent defined as React.Component. The component contains the custom code to render on Bootstrap app.

Here, an important note goes to the render and mount methods on index.js:

    mount() {
      const propTypes = MyCustomReactComponent.propTypes ? MyCustomReactComponent.propTypes : {};
      const events = MyCustomReactComponent.propTypes ? MyCustomReactComponent.propTypes : {};
      const props = {
          ...this.getProps(this.attributes, propTypes),
        children: this.parseHtmlToReact(this.innerHTML)
      ReactDOM.render(<MyCustomReactComponent {...props} />, this);

The default render function is different from the actual ReactDOM.render function.

Also here we found at the end of component the customElement definition:

  customElements.define('react-el', ReactElement);

To let compiler interpret the code above you need babel with various plugins and loaders.

The build here is more tricky because you can't use yarn easily so instead we use webpack. To do that some changes are needed to package.json file. Here the most important:

"scripts": {
    "webpack": "webpack",
    "start": "npm run build && serve -l 5002 dist",
    "build": "webpack --mode development"

Also in this case, the build result will be a main.js file which contains the whole application.


This application acts as a 'container' app: reference and inject within a single HTML file. Within the index.html there's the URL to the previous built main.js files. These files can be served in a multiple ways, but for the scope of the example they are referenced as a online resource: specifically served by a different httpd container (see next section).

Aside the CSS style and HTML, the core lies in these following lines:

      // Child React App Element
      const reactEl = document.createElement('react-el');
      reactEl.setAttribute('name', name);
      reactEl.setAttribute('onHelloEvt', 'onHelloEvt');
      reactEl.addEventListener('onHelloEvt', (e) => helloEvent('React'));
      const reactElContainer =  document.getElementById('react-container')
      if (reactElContainer.children.length > 0) {

      //Child Angular child element
      const ngEl = document.createElement('ng-el');
      ngEl.setAttribute('name', name);
      ngEl.addEventListener('helloEvt', (e) => helloEvent('Angular'));
      const ngElContainer =  document.getElementById('ng-container')
      if (ngElContainer.children.length > 0) {

Where components are injected in the specific div class. Applications are referenced through javascript source:

  <script src="http://localhost:8081/main.js"></script>
  <script src="http://localhost:8082/main.js"></script>

Don't get fooled by 'localhost': can be anything accesible from Bootstrap application and I'm going to explain this in the next section.


The three application can be ran both through docker-compose and classical docker commands.

Each application will run on a different container. The bootstrap application will reference the URL of main.js deployed into two different container.


The localhost reference within bootstrap application is correct because bootstrap application runs on client side (your browser) so, since the container have exposed port on your machine through Docker, the application will find main.js on localhost:port/main.js.

Each application has a specific Dockerfile which can be used to run the application on a httpd:alpine container. The Dockerfile specifies the copy of dist content into the container.

Here's an example:

# Remove any files that may be in the public htdocs directory already.
RUN rm -r /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/*

# Copy all the files from the docker build context into the public htdocs of the apache container.
COPY ./ /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/

Let's note that if you want to run applications through docker-compose or simply docker, there are changes to make because the context reference is different.

At this state dockerfiles are ready for docker-compose: after installing dependencies for each application through

npm install

and building application through:

npm run build 

it's possible to run containers, pointing to root dir where docker-compose.yml is saved, with:

docker-compose up -d --build

The option --build is needed the first time and then every time there are changes to applications' Docker side. Remember that this command doesn't build applications artifacts on your behalf, so if you make changes you must re-build your application via 'npm run build'.


AWS Deployment

In the specific section there's an example of S3 app deploy.


Thanks to Chris Kitson for his great work about micro frontend which helped me a lot!