
Demo web app for the 1upHealth FHIR $everything Query

Primary LanguageJavaScript

1upHealth $everything Application


  1. Create an application from the 1upHealth Dev Console. Use http://localhost:8000 for the app's redirect URL and save the client secret as it will only be shown once.

  2. Clone the repo:

cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/dpkilcoyne/1uphealth-app.git
  1. Setup your MongoDB service. This demo was deployed with MongoDB Atlas. To deploy with Atlas:

  2. Go to the Get Started with Atlas web page and follow the Create an Atlas Account through Create a Database User for Your Cluster using the Free Tier choices and a user with admin or R+W privileges.

  3. Select Connect from the Clusters view and choose the Connect Your Application connection method.

  4. Copy the connection string and replace test with oneup (the database name) and <PASSWORD> with your username password. This will serve as your MONGODB_URL.

  5. Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and add your:

  1. The demo deploy uses concurrently to run a React app with a Node.js server proxy. The server proxy url is stored under package.json: proxy and the React port is specified at package.json:scripts.start if you need to modify them.

  2. Install & run the app

npm install
npm run dev

Test Health Systems

You can test the demo web app with one of these FHIR health system accounts. The current deployment has only been tested with the Epic credentials. Use:

  • username: fhirjason
  • password: epicepic1

when you are directed to the 1upHealth portal after entering your username from the application.

Future Improvements

  • Resources tables are currently created on the fly. Their object models are specified on 1upHealth so this information could be used to create normalized tables.
  • Need to handle passwords and user sessions
  • Add nested tables and JSON trees
  • Queries and filtering
  • Support for other EHR portals