end-to-end process

There are three steps for uploading images to Wikimedia.

  • ingestion3 exports data for Wikimedia eligible records see ingestion3 documentation
  • ingest-wikimedia download images from providers (staged in s3)
  • ingest-wikimedia upload images from s3 to Wikimedia Commons

Starting up

Start the wikimedia ec2 instance

> ec2-start wikimedia

Creates a new screen session with a name of nwdh and attach to that session. Use -xS to reattach after disconnecting.

> screen -S nwdh
> screen -xS nwdh

A quick cheat sheet for screen commands.

Running download

python3 wikimedia/run.py --input s3://dpla-master-dataset/ --output s3://dpla-wikimedia/ --partner ohio --type download

The download step expects four parameters

--input Root path of wikimedia exports from ingestion3 (ex. s3://dpla-master-dataset/)

--output Root path of where to save the images and data (ex. s3://dpla-wikimedia/)

--partner Name of the DPLA partner (ex. Ohio). Will be used as a prefix for both --input and --output

--type The type of event (ex. download)

python3 wikimedia/run.py \
--input s3://dpla-master-dataset/ \
--output s3://dpla-wikimedia/ \
--partner ohio \
--type download

--limit is an optionsal parameter and if omitted it will download all assests. This parameter is useful if a provider has multiple terrabytes of images and you don't want to download all of them in a single session (e.g. NARA or Texas).

Running upload

Starting a new screen session for the uploads is helpful if you uploading multiple batches concurrently.

> screen -S il-upload-1

The invocation is very similar to the download

python3 wikimedia/run.py \
--input s3://dpla-wikimedia/ \
--partner ohio \
--type upload


Log files are written out on the local file system in ./ingest-wikimedia/logs/ and on sucessful completetion written to s3 s3://dpla-wikimedia/ohio/logs/).

Closing out

When all the downloads and uploads for the month have been completed stop the wikimedia instance.

> ec2-stop wikimedia

Useful links