Pyrrot is a multiplatform client for SubDB written in Python. It can run on Windows, Linux and MacOS.
- Python 2.6.5 for all systems.
- Mark Hammond's Win32all if you want to run Pyrrot as a service on Windows.
You need to copy Pyrrot2.py and urllib2_file.py to a folder of your preference. Then, after you've done with the configurations (see below), all you need to do is:
python Pyrrot2.py
c:\Python2.6.5\python.exe c:\path\to\Pyrrot2.py (if you're using windows)
You can also run Pyrrot using cron, or install Pyrrot as a Windows service. To do this:
Cron (Linux):
*/30 * * * * python /path/to/Pyrrot2.py
Service (Windows):
c:\Python2.6.5\python.exe c:\path\to\Pyrrot2Service.py --startup auto install
As you may have noticed, you need to copy Pyrrot2Service.py too.
You need to edit the following lines on Pyrrot2.py before use it:
PYRROT_DIR = "/path/to/pyrrot" #The path to where Pyrrot is. Can be empty if you're not running Pyrrot as a Windows Service.
DIRECTORIES = ["/path/to/your/video/files", "/path/to/your/video/files2"] #Configure here the directories where your video files are.
LANGUAGES = ["pt", "en"] #The languages to download subtitles, in order of preference.
MOVIE_EXTS = ['.avi', '.mkv', '.mp4', '.mov', '.mpg', '.wmv'] #The video file extensions that you want Pyrrot to looking for.
SUBS_EXTS = ['.srt', '.sub'] #The subtitle extensions that you want Pyrrot to looking for.
If you are on Windows, the paths will be like:
PYRROT_DIR = "c:\\path\\to\\pyrrot"
This software is distribute under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0. You can read the entire license on: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/