dPlugins admin styles

Library is used to store the styles of the admin part of plugins

System requirements


Because we use private npm registry you will need to set an environment variable named DPLUGINS_NPM_TOKEN with the value of a personal access token (name: npm, scopes: packages), in order to install private packages with the @dplugins scope (if you haven't yet done so).

Use npm install command to install the packages

Development (WP plugin)

Use npm run build for build library or npm run start for build with watch function

If you want use this like WP plugin you need clone this project to your wp-content/plugins folder

Development (npm library)

If you want use this like library for another plugins you can run npm run build:npm-relase from root folder and npm link from dist-npm-release folder and run npm link @dplugins/admin-styles command from project with @dplugins/admin-styles dependencie.

Publishing a new version

  1. Run npm version patch (replace patch as necessary) to increase the version number. Examples:
    • npm version patch -> 1.2.3 => 1.2.4
    • npm version minor -> 1.2.3 => 1.3.0
    • npm version major -> 1.2.3 => 2.0.0
    • npm version premajor --preid alpha -> 1.2.3 => 2.0.0-alpha.0
    • npm version prerelease --preid beta -> 2.0.0-alpha.0 => 2.0.0-beta.0
    • increment prerelease npm version prerelease -> 2.0.0-beta.0 => 2.0.0-beta.1
  2. Run git push && git push --tags to push the version commit and tag.
  3. Run npm run publish to publish the new version (as library).
  4. Run npm build:release for generate zip file in releases folder