
Ansible role for diamond collector

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ansible Role: Diamond

Ansible role that installs the Diamond metric collector daemon on RedHat/CentOS Debian/Ubuntu.


This role is currently meant to be used against Graphite (via the carbon protocol) or any other metric trending software that supports statsd (this also includes Graphite if running statsd daemon)

Role variables

Default behaviour

Default behaviour, when included in a playbook, is to install diamond by building a package from repo source and configure collectors as defined in vars/collector_definitions.yml, enabling the statsdhandler to send data to a host called tbd, port 8125.

Obviously this is not very useful so the absolute minimum you need to do is provide a definition for graphitehandler and statsdhandler either in your playbook or in defaults/main.yml. One of them needs to be enabled and the other disabled. Example:

  enable: False
  host: none
  port: 2003
  enable: True
  port: 8125

To provide your own collector definitions, define the hash diamond_collector_extra_defs either in your invoking playbook, or in defaults/main.yml inside the role. See below for examples.

Overridable variables

Those are defined in defaults/main.yml:

build_from_source: true

Setting this to true will build the latest master branch of BrightcoveOS/Diamond, see below. If set to false, currently supports only Debian/Ubuntu platforms and expects a prebuilt deb package under files/diamond__all.deb. See below on specifying the version.

diamond_git_repo_url: https://github.com/python-diamond/Diamond

Change this if you'd like to a fork of the Diamond repository; used with build_from_source: true

  enable: False
  host: none
  port: 2003
  enable: True
  host: tbd
  port: 8125

As mentioned above, you must specify enable: True for one of the above, along with the correct IP / port

diamond_git_repo_version: "e891f8e1eef6067407f2bb0ddff4973893c33c94"

When building from source, specify the commit id or a tag. The default tag refers to v4.0.

diamond_version: "3.5.8"

Specify the version mentioned in the prebuilt deb package filename; valid only when build_from_source: false

diamond_conf_basepath: "/etc/diamond"

Specifies the directory for diamond's config file. Just leave it to default if you don't have a specific reason to change it.

collector_conf_path: "{{diamond_conf_basepath}}/collectors"

Directory where collector definitions go

diamond_handlers_path: "/usr/share/pyshared/diamond/handler/"

Directory where handlers will end up; this is valid for Debian. For RedHat typically it is /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/diamond/handler/

In the next version it will be defined automatically based on platform family.

Generating collector definitions

This role is capable of automatically generating collector definitions based on default values specified in vars/collector_definitions.yml

To alter the default behaviour specify the hash diamond_collector_extra_defs in your playbook vars: or in defaults/main.yml.

Example1: enabling Zookeeper collector -- disabled by default

First have a look at vars/collector_definitions.yml At the bottom of the file we can see that the Zookeeper collector is disabled:

    enabled: False

To enable it, in our playbook, in the vars: section we define:

    enabled: True

Example2: also enable RabbitMQCollector -- disabled by default

Again have a look at vars/collector_definitions.yml to see how this is defined and append it to your existing definitions in vars: section of your playbook:

    enabled: True
    enabled: True



Example playbook

See the included playbook install_debian.yml

- hosts: all
  sudo: true
    build_from_source: true
      enable: True
      port: 8125
        enabled: False
    - liappis.diamond

Testing with Vagrant

There are a number of vagrant machines defined. If you have just pulled this role from github make sure it is under a directory called roles. If you've installed it via ansible-galaxy install liappis.diamond that should have been taken care for you.

After executing any of the following you should get a VM running diamond and shipping metrics to localhost port 8125 via the statsd protocol.

For virtualbox

  • CentOS65: vagrant up centos65virtualbox
  • Ubunty Trusty: vagrant up trustyvirtualbox
  • Debian Wheezy: vagrant up debianwheezyvirtualbox

For libvirt

  • CentOS65: vagrant up centos65libvirt
  • CentOS7: vagrant up centos7libvirt
  • Ubuntu Trusty: vagrant up trusty64libvirt
  • Debian Wheezy: vagrant up debian75libvirt



Author information

This role was created in 2014 by Dimitrios Liappis