
Trying to get perfect codegen for big-integer math.

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Wide Integer Math (Proof of Concept)

This header provides a class template Wider<T>, such that Wider<uint64_t> acts like an unsigned 128-bit type, Wider<Wider<uint64_t>> acts like an unsigned 256-bit type, and so on. Wider<T> overloads all the arithmetic operators, and also provides a free function countleadingzeros(w).

A sufficiently smart compiler should produce the same codegen for Wider<uint64_t> as it does for the built-in primitive type __uint128_t. Any significant differences in codegen (in either direction) should probably be filed as "missed optimization" bugs against the relevant compiler.

As of April 2020, Clang supports a built-in type unsigned _ExtInt(n) that implements n-bit arithmetic for any n at all, even non-powers of two. A sufficiently smart compiler should produce the same codegen for Wider<Wider<...>> as it does for unsigned _ExtInt(n).

The following tables show naïve instruction counts (not counting labels, but counting the ret) for each member function of wider_tests::Tests<W>. The letter "P" indicates codegen that appears perfect as far as I know. The word "call" indicates failure to completely inline the code (usually because it's so big).

"__udivti3" and "__umodti3" indicate that certain arithmetic operations on __uint128_t are delegated to a library function. The library function is macro-optimized with many special cases (division by small integers, division by integers with many trailing zeros, et cetera). In contrast, Wider's operator/ omits these special cases, resulting in smaller code but almost certainly slower code in common situations.

All numbers are produced by Godbolt Compiler Explorer, using -O3 -std=c++14, on GCC trunk and Clang trunk.

128-bit math using __uint128_t, unsigned _BitInt(128), and Wider<uint64_t>:

Test name Clang uint128 Clang _BitInt Clang W<u64> GCC uint128 GCC W<u64>
preinc 3 P 3 P 3 P 3 P 6
postinc 11 11 11 11 12
predec 3 P 3 P 3 P 3 P 6
postdec 11 11 11 11 13
plus 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P 11
pluseq 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P 6
minus 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P 14
minuseq 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P 9
mul 11 P 11 P 11 P 11 P 11 P
muleq 11 P 11 P 11 P 11 P 11 P
div __udivti3 __udivti3 47 __udivti3 57
diveq __udivti3 __udivti3 47 __udivti3 57
mod __umodti3 __umodti3 38 __umodti3 53
modeq __umodti3 __umodti3 38 __umodti3 53
xor_ 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P
xoreq 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P
and_ 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P
andeq 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P
or_ 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P
oreq 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P 5 P
shl 13 13 12 P 12 P 24
shleq 13 13 12 P 12 P 24
shr 13 13 12 P 12 P 23
shreq 13 13 12 P 12 P 23
clz 7 1 7 13 11
lt 6 P 6 P 6 P 6 P 9
leq 6 P 6 P 6 P 7 9
gt 6 P 6 P 6 P 7 9
geq 6 P 6 P 6 P 6 P 9
eq 6 P 7 7 7 7
neq 6 P 7 7 7 7
not_ 4 P 4 P 4 P 4 P 4 P
bool_ 4 P 4 P 4 P 4 P 4 P
neg 5 5 5 4 P 13
flip 3 P 3 P 5 3 P 5

256-bit math using unsigned _ExtInt(256) and Wider<Wider<uint64_t>>:

Test name Clang 13 _ExtInt Clang W<W<u64>> GCC W<W<u64>>
preinc 5 P 5 P 11
postinc 23 13 18
predec 5 P 5 P 15
postdec 23 13 20
plus 9 P 9 P 20
pluseq 9 P 9 P 13
minus 9 P 9 P 24
minuseq 9 P 9 P 17
mul 60 63 64
muleq 62 63 64
div 1 173 call 216 call
diveq 1 173 call 216 call
mod 1 173 call 198
modeq 1 166 call 198
xor_ 9 P 9 P 9 P
xoreq 9 P 9 P 9 P
and_ 9 P 9 P 9 P
andeq 9 P 9 P 9 P
or_ 9 P 9 P 9 P
oreq 9 P 9 P 9 P
shl 64 30 60
shleq 64 30 60
shr 61 33 64
shreq 61 33 64
clz 1 17 29
lt 10 P 10 P 15
leq 10 P 10 P 15
gt 10 P 10 P 15
geq 10 P 10 P 15
eq 13 P 13 P 13 P
neq 13 P 13 P 13 P
not_ 7 9 6 P
bool_ 7 9 6 P
neg 11 11 21
flip 5 P 8 8

512-bit math using unsigned _ExtInt(512) and Wider<Wider<Wider<uint64_t>>>:

Test name Clang 13 _ExtInt Clang W<W<W<u64>>> GCC W<W<W<u64>>>
preinc 9 9 23
postinc 45 25 35
predec 9 9 27
postdec 45 25 38
plus 17 17 42
pluseq 17 17 25
minus 17 17 46
minuseq 17 17 31
mul 274 300 call 258
muleq 275 300 call 258
div 1 467 call 512 call
diveq 1 467 call 512 call
mod 1 467 call 473
modeq 1 456 call 479 call
xor_ 17 17 17
xoreq 17 17 17
and_ 17 17 17
andeq 17 17 17
or_ 17 17 17
oreq 17 17 17
shl 347 133 call 137
shleq 347 133 call 137
shr 362 79 168
shreq 362 79 168
clz 1 39 71
lt 18 18 28
leq 18 18 29
gt 18 18 29
geq 18 18 28
eq 25 21 26
neq 25 21 26
not_ 13 13 10
bool_ 13 13 10
neg 23 23 37
flip 9 14 14