
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

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Kinetica C++ API


This project contains the source code for the C++ Kinetica API.

The C++ API is supported on both Linux-based systems and Windows.

The following links will provide the information needed to get started with Kinetica and the C++ API:

For changes to the client-side API, please refer to CHANGELOG.md. For changes to Kinetica functions, please refer to CHANGELOG-FUNCTIONS.md.

Building the API (Linux)

Install Dependencies


yum update -y
yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y which gcc gcc-c++ cmake make bzip2 bzip2-devel zlib zlib-devel chrpath


apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y which gcc gcc-c++ cmake make libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev chrpath

Clone the Repository

In the desired directory, run:

git clone https://github.com/kineticadb/kinetica-api-cpp.git && cd kinetica-api-cpp/

Building Thirdparty Libraries

The C++ API requires several local thirdparty library archives: Boost (v1.56.0 or later), Avro (v1.7.7), Snappy Compression (v1.1.3). Both Avro and Snappy Compression archives are included by default in the thirdparty directory of the repository. A Boost archive must be downloaded to the thirdparty directory before ./build-thidparty-libs.sh can be run. For example, to download Boost v1.71.0:

wget -P thirdparty/ https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/1.71.0/source/boost_1_71_0.tar.bz2

Build the thirdparty libraries:


Building the API

There are four CMake build types: Debug, RelWithDebInfo, Release, and MinSizeRel. Kinetica recommends using RelWithDebInfo (the default) as it provides good performance and debug information.

There are several flags available to CMake for the C++ API:

NOTE: These flags are passed in as CMake cache entries, so they must be prepended with -D.

Flag Description
GPUDB_NO_HTTPS Boolean value to enable SSL support for the API if SSL is enabled for the database. If TRUE, disables HTTPS support; default is FALSE
GPUDB_API_CPP_LIBS_DIR Absolute filepath to the C++ API thirdparty library install directory (../kinetica-api-cpp/_build/thirdparty/install/)
BOOST_ROOT Absolute filepath to the built and installed Boost library directory
BOOST_INCLUDEDIR Absolute filepath to the Boost library's include directory (containing all of Boost's dependencies)
BOOST_LIBRARYDIR Absolute filepath to the directory containing all the Boost libraries

Create a build directory in the root of the API repository (preferably with a descriptive name) and change into it:

mkdir build-RelWithDebInfo && cd build-RelWithDebInfo

Inside the build directory, run cmake with the necessary flags and a path to the root of the API repository.

WARNING: Do not run cmake in the root of the API repository.

For example:

-DGPUDB_API_CPP_LIBS_DIR=/home/kinetica-api-cpp/_build/thirdparty/install/ \
-DBOOST_ROOT=/home/kinetica-api-cpp/_build/thirdparty/boost_1_71_0 \
-DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=/home/kinetica-api-cpp/_build/thirdparty/boost_1_71_0/boost/ \
-DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=/home/kinetica-api-cpp/_build/thirdparty/install/lib/ \

Compiling Example Executables

In the desired build directory, run the following where is the number of processors on your machine:

make -j<n>

This will compile two executables by default: an C++ API tutorial example and a multihead ingest example. The executables can be found within the bin directory of the build folder.

Using QTCreator

The CMake build automatically generates the necessary QTCreator project files. If you desire to use QTCreator as an editor, then run:

qtcreator <build-directory>/qtcreator-gpudb-api-cpp.creator

NOTE: To correct OpenGL crash errors when starting QTCreator, instead run:

qtcreator -noload Welcome <build-directory>/qtcreator-gpudb-api-cpp.creator

Building the API (Windows)


  • Windows 7, 8, 10, or later
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 or later
  • CMake 3.5.2 or later

Clone the Repository

In the desired directory, run:

git clone https://github.com/kineticadb/kinetica-api-cpp.git && cd kinetica-api-cpp\

Building Thirdparty Libraries

The C++ API requires you to build and install several thirdparty libraries: Boost (v1.65.1 or later), Avro (v1.7.7), Snappy Compression (v1.1.3). Both Avro and Snappy Compression archives are included and unzipped by default in the thirdparty directory of the repository, but the unzipped Avro archive may not work for Windows.


  1. Download a Windows .zip Boost archive from the official Boost repository
  2. Uncompress the Boost archive to the thirdparty directory
  3. From the Visual Studio build command prompt window:
    1. Change directory into the thirdparty/boost_<version> directory, e.g., boost_1_65_1

    2. Run bootstrap.bat

    3. Run the appropriate b2 command based on your Windows version and desired build, replacing with 0 if using Virtual Studio 2015 or with 1 if using Virtual Studio 2017:

      \# 64-bit DEBUG
      b2 address-model=64 --build-type=minimal --toolset=msvc-12.0 --threading=multi --runtime-link=shared --stagedir=./lib64 --toolset=msvc-14.<n> --variant=debug
      \# 64-bit RELEASE
      b2 address-model=64 --build-type=minimal --toolset=msvc-12.0 --threading=multi --runtime-link=shared --stagedir=./lib64 --toolset=msvc-14.<n> --variant=release
      \# 32-bit DEBUG
      b2 address-model=32 --build-type=minimal --toolset=msvc-12.0 --threading=multi --runtime-link=shared --stagedir=./lib32 --toolset=msvc-14.<n> --variant=debug
      \# 32-bit RELEASE
      b2 address-model=32 --build-type=minimal --toolset=msvc-12.0 --threading=multi --runtime-link=shared --stagedir=./lib32 --toolset=msvc-14.<n> --variant=release

The libraries will be available in the following directory: kinetica-api-cpp/thirdparty/boost_<version>/lib64/lib

TIP: If building Boost is not desired, there are unofficial prebuilt Windows Boost binaries available or Boost is able to be installed via NuGet. To install via the NuGet Console:

Install-Package boost -Version 1.65.1

Note to change boost to boost-vc120 to include Virtual Studio 2013 libraries or boost-vc140 to include Virtual Studio 2015 libraries. You may need to update the project paths.


  1. Remove the kinetica-api-cpp/thirdparty/avro-cpp-1.7.7 directory

  2. In the thirdparty directory, uncompress the included Avro archive

  3. Copy the api directory to the avro-cpp-1.7.7/avro directory

  4. From the Visual Studio build command prompt window:

    1. Set the following environment variables:

    2. Change into the avro-cpp-1.7.7 directory

    3. Run, replacing with the version of Visual Studio currently being used:

      cmake -G "Visual Studio <version>"
  5. After a successful build, open the new avro-cpp.sln file in Visual Studio

  6. Optionally, if using 64-bit windows, create an x64 platform in Configuration Manager

  7. In the avrocpp_s project in Visual Studio:

    1. Under Properties > Librarian - All Options > Additional Options, remove the x86 option

    2. Under Properties > Configuration Properties - General, change the output directory:

    3. Build the desired libraries

Building the API

  1. In Visual Studio, open the kinetica-api-cpp\project\gpudbapidll\gpudbapidll.sln project

  2. Optionally, if building the C++ API with SSL support, install OpenSSL from the NuGet Console for the gpudbapiexe project, replacing with the appropriate Visual Studio version:

    Install-Package zeroc.openssl.v -Version

  3. If enabling SSL support, navigate to Tools > Options > NuGet Package Manager and select the options for allowing NuGet to download missing packages and automatically check for missing packages during builds. Review Package Restore troubleshooting for more information

  4. Build the desired API release (debug, release, x64, x86, etc.)

TIP: If you do not need SSL support, add GPUDB_NO_HTTPS to the preprocessor definitions


For bugs, please submit an issue on Github.

For support, you can post on stackoverflow under the kinetica tag or Slack.

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