
Some classes atop of the api provided to us by the framework

Primary LanguageJava


Some classes atop of the api provided to us by the framework Aiming to improve easy of use, provide chaining and introduce a unified approach to all actions.


Used to interact with the html dom in an efficient, stream-like way.

Getting a json from a script after a certain string Before

for (IHtmlElement element : document.filterByDataPath("***.script")) {
  String content = element.getContent(HtmlPrintFlags.Default);
  if (content.startsWith("var json = ")) {
    String json = StringUtils.substringAfter("var json = ");
    return JsonPath.parse(json);



Finding all elements by a path, choosing the one that contains Brand in it, filtering deeper in that element and taking it's attribute.

for (IHtmlElement element : document.filterByDataPath(path)) {
  if (element.getAsText(true).contains("Brand")) {
    IHtmlElementFilter filtered = new HtmlElementFilter(element).filterByDataPath("***.div[class:'class']");
    if (!filtered.getIsEmpty()) {
      IHtmlNode.IHtmlNodeAttributeCollection attributes = filtered.get(0).getAttributes();
      if (attributes.containsKey("href")) {


        .first(Condition.textContains("Brand", true))


A wrapper/builder atop of IResultEntry that performs additional data validation and manipulations to change it to the desired form (no of decimals, values, null values etc). Also to provide a unified approach for storing common attributes of product variants. Before this Map<Key, Object> had to be used and values had to be cast upon insertion.

for ( JsonContext variant : context )
  String articleId = String.format("%s_%s", baseOffer.getString(OfferKey.MPN), extractArticleId(variant));
  Offer.copyOf(results, articleId, baseOffer).price(extractPrice(variant)).save(results);


IResultEntry entry = results.createResultEntry(id);
entry.addValue(OfferKey.EAN, extractEan());


Offer.createAdded(results, extractArticleId(), pageUri)

UriWrapper and others in the web package

Mostly for chaining and minor improvements, such as being almost exception free, removing and matching segments, post body entries etc.

Ranking and Electrolux helpers

Created for reducing code dublication and are build with the simulated self type idiom to provide chaining between base and child classes