An example config.json contains rules for RTL conversion
Usage example: node bin/rtl-css.js -i ./test/fixtures/input.css -c config.json -d rtl
Config format:
Replacements for property names in format { old_name: new_name }
, for example { "left": "right" }
Replacement patterns in format property_name: old_value_pattern = new_value_pattern
Value patterns are defined in format %i
or using direct value.
For example:
float: left = right
This rule will convert float: left
to float: right
Another, more sophisticated example:
box-shadow: %1 %2 inset = -%1 %2 inset
This rule will convert box-shadow: 1px 2px inset
to box-shadow: -1px 2px inset
You can also specify prefixes for properties and suffixes to values that will be ignored. For example, //
is an IE hack that should be ignored when rules are applied, as well as \9
in the value end.