This repo is tooling and documentation for dpp's exploration of the FOMU FPGA in a USB form factor device the the Workshop.
All the code was run on an Ubuntu 20.04 system with Docker installed.
The Docker container will allow you to run all the code.
The container is built against version 1.6 of the FOMU toolchain.
To build the container (from within the same directory
this file is in): ./
This script builds the fomu
Docker image.
To test if things work:
# start the containeryosys
# start the tool... you should see "yosys>" promptexit
# exit yosysdfu-util -l
# check to see if the dfu-util system can see your FOMU... look for Found DFU: [1209:5bf0] ver=0101, devnum=29, cfg=1, intf=0, path="1-3", alt=0, name="Fomu PVT running DFU Bootloader v2.0.3", serial="UNKNOWN"- Note that if the version of the "Bootloader" is less than 2.0.3, please update the bootloader
So, you've got your container running. Yay!
Now, let's run through the first example, Python on Fomu.
Start the container (assuming this project is checked out in the same directory as the workshop):
From the prompt, make sure dfu-util
can see the device: dfu-util -l
and look for name="Fomu PVT running DFU Bootloader v2.0.3"
If that did not work, try removing the Fomu from the USB socket on your machine, and then re-insert. This will return the Fomu to the original code rather than a new set of gate code.
Next, load micro-Python onto the Fomu:
dfu-util -D /workshop/micropython-fomu.dfu
And check out the interpretter: screen /dev/ttyACM*
To exit screen
(this is harder than existing vi)
type: ctrl-A \
and you'll be prompted to exit.
The other workshop examples have been tested including the
Rust and Chisel/Scala examples. Additionally, the
script creates a cache directory on the host so Scala/sbt
and Rust libraries, etc. are cached between container
If you've got updates to make this container and/or scripts run well on OSX or Windows, please make a pull request.
More broadly, Pull Requests welcome!