I think we'll be moving in the following direction: HxServer The game's logic is implemented here. It is sort of a dedicated server. HxAbstractPlayer The interface that must be implemented by player classes to connect to the server. HxAiPlayer, HxHumanPlayer Subclasses of HxAbstractPlayer are supposed to interface with the player on one side and the server on the other side. HxHero achievements: list(objectId of achievement source) HxCity HxCreature - garrison HxMine - garrison - award [resource] - resource generator HxDwelling - garrison - population - award [first level creatures] - population generator - garrison generator HxVillage - garrison - award [resources, creatures, artifacts, primary skills, secondary skills, spells] - garrison generator - award generator consumable(bool) populationGenerator(creatureId, productionPerWeek, populationCap) resourceGenerator(resourceId, productionPerDay, capacity) recordAchievement() receiveExperience(amount) creatureUpgrade(creatureId) learnPrimary(primarySkillId, amount, durationType) learnSecondary(secondarySkillId, masteryLevel, durationType) learnSpell(spellId) receiveLuck(amount, durationType) receiveMorale(amount, durationType) receiveMovement(amount, durationType) receiveLevel(amount) receiveSpellPoints(amount) awardResource(resouceId, amount) awardCreature(creatureId, amount) awardArtifact(artifactId) def newCrypt(): choice1: { garrison : {medusa:20}, awardResource: {gold: 2000} , describeObject(oldCrypt) } choice2: { garrison : {}, awardResouce: {} } choice3: { garrison : {}, awardResouce: {} } choice4: { garrison : {}, awardResouce: {} } randomSelect(choice1: 30%, choice2: 30%, choice3: 30%, choice4: 10%) def oldCrypt(): - questCheck() - userSelect() - randomSelect() movement: EOW EOD removeEOD permanently permanentlyForAll awardGenerator(awardType, ) ================================================= Star axis: +1 spell power OFAH Garden of revelation: +1 knowledge OFAH Marletto Tower: +1 defense OFAH Mercenary camp: +1 attack OFAH learnPrimary, recordAchievement Witch Hut: random basic secondary skill except leadership and necromancy OFAH learnSecondary University: 4 basic secondary skills for 1000gold each userSelect, learnSecondary, payment Learning stone: +1000 exp OFAH receiveExperience, recordAchievement Shrine of magic incantation: learn 1st level spell OFAH Shrine of magic gesture: learn 2st level spell OFAH Shrine of magic thought: learn 3st level spell OFAH learnSpell School of magic: choice of +1 power or +1 knowledge for 1k gold OFAH School of war: choice of +1 attack or +1 defense for 1k gold OFAH userSelect, learnPrimary, payment, recordAchievement Arena: choice of +2 attack or defense OFAH userSelect, learnPrimary, recordAchievement Library of enlightenment: Possibly + 2 to all primary skills OFAH questCheck, learnPrimary, recordAchievement Buoy: +1 morale UNB receiveMorale Faerie Ring: +1 luck UNB Mermaids: +1 luck UNB receiveLuck Fountain of luck: -1 - +3 luck UNB randomSelect, receiveLuck Idol of Luck: On days 1,3,5: +1 luck until next battle On days 2,4,6: +1 morale UNB On day 7: +1 luck and +1 morale UNB questCheck, receiveLuck, receiveMorale Temple: On days 1-6: +1 morale UNB On day 7: +2 morale UNB questCheck, receiveMorale Rally flag: + 1 morale, +1 luck, +4 movement tiles EOD receiveMorale, receiveLuck, receiveMovement Swan pond: + 2 luck UNB, lose all movement EOD receiveLuck, receiveMovement Oasis: + 1 morale UNB, + 8 movement tiles EOD receiveMorale, receiveMovement Watering hole: +1 morale UNB, +4 movement tiles EOD receiveMorale, receiveMovement Fountain of youth: +1 morale UNB, +4 movement tiles EOD receiveMorale, receiveMovement Stables: + 6 movement EOW and cavaliers auto-upgraded to champions receiveMovement, creatureUpgrade Hill fort: upgrade base grade creatures for gold userSelect, creatureUpgrade, payment Tree of knowledge: 34% next level for free 33% next level for 2k 33% next level for 10 gems randomSelect, receiveLevel, payment, recordAchievement Corpse: One-time. 80% chance to find nothing 20% chance to find a treasure, minor or major artifact Skeleton: One-time. 80% chance to find nothing 20% chance to find a treasure, minor or major artifact randomSelect, awardArtifact Lean-to: 1-4 random resource other than gold. One-time. randomSelect, awardResource Wagon: One-time. 10% nothing 40% 1 random treasure or minor artifact, if backpack full - nothing 50% 2-5 any resource but gold randomSelect, questCheck, awardArtifact, awardResource Dragon Utopia 30%: 8 green, 5 red, 2 gold, 1 black for 20k gold, 1 treasure artifact, 1 minor artifact, 1 major artifact, 1 relic artifact 30%: 8 green, 6 red, 3 gold, 2 black for 30k gold, 1 minor artifact, 1 major artifact, 2 relic artifact 30%: 8 green, 6 red, 4 gold, 3 black for 40k gold, 1 major artifact, 3 relic artifact 10%: 8 green, 7 red, 6 gold, 5 black for 50k gold, 4 relic artifact Cyclops stockpile 30%: 20 cyclops 4 of every resource 30%: 30 cyclops 6 of every resource 30%: 40 cyclops 8 of every resource 10%: 50 cyclops 10 of every resource randomSelect, garrison, awardResource Dwarven treasury 30%: 50 dw for 2 crys and 2500g 30%: 75 dw for 3 crys and 4000g 30%: 100 dw for 5 crys and 5000g 10%: 150 dw for 10 crys and 7500g randomSelect, garrison, awardResource Griffin conservatory 30%: 40 grif for 2 angels 30%: 60 grif for 3 angels 30%: 80 grif for 4 angels 10%: 100 grif for 5 angels randomSelect, garrison, awardCreature Imp cache 30%: 100 imps for 2 mercury and 1000g 30%: 150 imps for 3 mercury and 1500g 30%: 200 imps for 4 mercury and 2000g 10%: 300 imps for 6 mercury and 5000g randomSelect, garrison, awardResource Medusa stores 30%: 20 medusa for 5 sulfur and 2k 30%: 30 medusa for 6 sulfur and 3k 30%: 40 medusa for 8 sulfur and 4k 10%: 50 medusa for 10 sulfur and 5k randomSelect, garrison, awardResource Naga bank 30%: 10 naga for 8 gems and 4k 30%: 15 naga for 12 gems and 6k 30%: 20 naga for 16 gems and 8k 10%: 30 naga for 24 gems and 12k randomSelect, garrison, awardResource Dragonfly hive 30%: 30 dfly for 4 wyverns 30%: 45 dfly for 6 wyverns 30%: 60 dfly for 8 wyverns 10%: 90 dfly for 12 wyverns randomSelect, garrison, awardCreature Derelict ship 30% 20 water elems for 3k 30% 30 water elems for 3k and 1 treasure art 30% 40 water elems for 4k and 1 TA 10% 60 water elems for 6k and 1 MinA randomSelect, garrison, awardResource, awardArtifact def refugeeCamp(): populate(random, [4, 7], refugeeCamp, EOD) Dwellings: for every creature type; can be guarded against heroes of hostile alignments. Replenish every week. Add creature bonus to cities (+1) CG + garrison Refugee camp: random creature type available every week CG Mine: Wood, ore: +2 per day, all other resources give +1 per day RG + garrison Abandoned mine: fight a horde of troglodytes to restore the mine back to production (any resource except gold) RG + garrison Water mill: week #1 gives 500 gold; all other weeks give 1k gold AG Windmill: +03 - +06 random resources other than Wood or Gold randomSelect, awardGenerator Campfire: 400-600 gold and 4-6 random resource award Sea chest: award 20% nothing 70% 1500g 10% 1500g and TA [if backpack full, only 1500g] Flotsam: award 25% nothing 25% 5 wood 25% 5 wood and 200g 25% 10 wood and 500g Shipwreck survivor 55%: TA 20%: MinA 20%: MajA 05%: RA Tiles Favourable winds: + 50% navigation skill Sirens - 30% of each creature stack and +1exp for every lost creature's health point Mystical garden: every week replenishes and gives 50% 500gold 50% 5 gems Crypt: 30%: 30 skeletons 20 zombie for 1k 30%: 25 skeletons 20 zombie 5 wights for 2k 30%: 20 skel 20 zombie 10 wights 5 vamps for 2500 and 1 treasure art 10%: 20 skel 20 zombie 10 wights 10 vamps for 5000 and 1 treasure art -1 Morale UNB if guardians have already been defeated 2xShipwreck 30% 10 wights for 2k 30% 15 wights for 3k 30% 25 wights for 4k and 1 treasure art 10% 50 wights for 5k and 1 MinA -1 Morale UNB if guardians have already been defeated Pyramid: 40 golden golems and 20 diamond golems for random 5th level spell. If not enough wisdom, it is lost -2 Luck UNB if guardians have already been defeated Obelisk: reveal a portion of the puzzle map Subterranean gate: portal to underground Monolith two way: portal Monolith one way entrance and exit: one-dir portal Whirlpool: two-way teleport, but you lose 50% of your weakest troop in the army Altar of sacrifice: Castle Rampart Tower heroes: sacrifice artifacts for exp Inferno Necro Dungeon heroes: sacrifice creatures for exp Stronghold Fortress Conflux heroes: sacrifice artifacts and creatures for exp Black market: buy artifacts for resources Freelancer's guild: sell creatures for resources Trading post: trade resources at the efficiency of 5 markets War machine factory: buy war machines for gold Sign and ocean bottle: displays a message when visited Cover of darkness: regenerates shroud for enemies in radius of 20 cells Hut of the magi and Eye of the magi: illuminate for the player area visible to the eyes of the magi 2x thieves guild: Gives complete thieves guild info Lighthouse: +5 move to all player's ships for every lighthouse owned Cartographer of Land: For 1k remove all land shroud for player Cartographer of Ocean: For 1k remove all water shroud for player Cartographer of Underworld: For 1k remove all subter shroud for player Garrison: place to drop off troops Antimagic garrison: place to drop off troops. No spells can be cast here Pandora's box: Guardians + exp, morale, luck, spell points, resources, pr/sec skills [at various mastery levels], art, spells, creatures === 7 colors for == Keymaster's tent: Border guard: disappears after you visit the assoc.colored and come here. Doesn't let you through otherwise Border gate: doesn't disappear but lets you through after you visit the assoc.colored and come here. Doesn't let you through otherwise cursed ground: no moral/luck effects; only 1st level spells can be cast magic plains: all spells are cast at expert level clover field: gives all neutral aligned troops +2 luck evil fog: gives all good -1 morale, all evil +1 morale holy ground: gives all good +1 morale, all evil -1 morale fiery fields: fire spells are cast at expert level lucid pools: water spells are cast at expert level magic clouds: air spells are cast at expert level rocklands: earth spells are cast at expert level prison: a [specific] hero joins you for free sanctuary: hero residing here cannot be attacked pillar of fire and redwood observatory: 20 tiles radius remove shroud for you scholar: learn 1 spell, 1 sec skill or 1 primary skill. disappears 3x seer's hut: complete a quest for a reward Shipyard: buy a boat for 1k and 20wood Warrior's Tomb: -3 morale UNB 30% treasure art 50% minor art 15% major art 5% relic art Tavern: recruit heroes, listen to rumours Magic well: replenish spell points Event - trigger reach1 position(times) (rouges can wait until you pass two-three times) reach2 HxHero_property value (forex level) reach3 art,res,creature ForEx: seen - reach3+reach1 tent = reach1 libr = reach2 defeat creature/castle/hero mastertrigger - collect multiple trigger conditions forex - go through some waypoints build building /(forex: miners guild for treasury)/ reset trigger HxAwardPack - garrison - award [resources, artifacts, primary skills, secondary skills, spells] ==== HxHero HxCreature HxMachine HxArtifact HxShip ========= HxTileClass terrainType (land, ocean, impenetrable) passability (0 - 100 - 255) battlefieldWidth, battlefieldLength action HxTile tileClass plane, x, y ========== HxObstacleClass obstacleType (advWater, advMountain, advForest, bfWater, bfMountain, bfForest) width, height, mask HxObstacle obstacleClass plane, x, y ========== HxStructureClass width, height, mask (passable, entry, impassable) action HxStructure structureClass plane, x, y =========== HxContainer capacity (tile: N, structure: N, creature: N, hero: N, artifact: N, warmachine: N) HxCity::HxContainer capacity = (creature: 7, hero: 2, buildings) alignment HxHero::HxContainer capacity = (creature: 7, artifact: 40, warmachine: 4) HxShip::HxContainer capacity = 1 hero, 1 creature HxQuest