
Code for the paper "Curiosity-driven Exploration in Deep Reinforcement Learning via Bayesian Neural Networks"

Primary LanguagePython

Status: Archive (code is provided as-is, no updates expected)

How to run VIME

Variational Information Maximizing Exploration (VIME) as presented in Curiosity-driven Exploration in Deep Reinforcement Learning via Bayesian Neural Networks by R. Houthooft, X. Chen, Y. Duan, J. Schulman, F. De Turck, P. Abbeel (http://arxiv.org/abs/1605.09674).

To reproduce the results, you should first have rllab and Mujoco v1.31 configured. Then, run the following commands in the root folder of rllab:

git submodule add -f git@github.com:openai/vime.git sandbox/vime
touch sandbox/__init__.py

Then you can do the following:

  • Execute TRPO+VIME on the hierarchical SwimmerGather environment via python sandbox/vime/experiments/run_trpo_expl.py.