Feature | Category | Status |
Following Swift API Design guideline | Syntax | -- |
Javascript-like fluent interface | Syntax | -- |
Multiple expandable destinations (a.k.a Appenders) | Appender | DONE |
Asynchronous logging support for Appenders | Appender | DONE |
Appender for local persistent storage | Appender | UNDERGOING |
Appender for other destinations | Appender | Coming |
Built-in cascadable Layout components | Layout | DONE |
Asynchronous support for Layout | Layout | DONE |
Multiple tags support | Tags | DONE |
Appender level tag filters | Tags | DONE |
Directly log the type Any and Error |
Misc | DONE |
MaxSeverity for both Logger and Appender levels | Misc | DONE |
Custom severity levels | Misc | DONE |
Message masking | Misc | Coming |
Compatible with Cocoapod and Carthage | Misc | Coming |
Universial Build
- Download
latest release from HERE - Select your Target, then select the tab General, click + in the section of Embeded Binaries, then import
to your project, as shown in following snapshot. - The universial build can be used for all arm and x64 architectures, which means you can use it for iOS device and iOS simulator. The support of OSX apps is undergoing.
![Embed framework](pics/Embed Framework.png)
Start using the most basic function without any configuration or any unecessary parameters.
import Log4s // Put this line in the header of the files
Logger.log("A Logging Message") // Most basic form
Logger.log("A debug message", severity:.debug) // With severity mentioned
//Below are some shortcuts for varies of built-in severities, with cascading expression
.verbose("This is a VERBOSE message")
.debug("This is a DEBUG message")
.info("This is an INFO message")
.warn("This is a WARN message")
.error("This is an ERROR message")
.fatal("This is a FATAL message")
To build the layout of logging messages. Here is a quick example:
Logger.layout = [
Layout.time(), // the time when logging is called
"{MyApp}", // a pure string
Layout.severity(), // severity
Layout.brackets().embed( // a pair of brackets with embeded content
Layout.tags() // the tags of the event, nested inside the brackets. See Chapter 4 for "Tags"
Logger.error("Failed to find profile",tags:["LoginScene","Network"])
The ouput is
17/01/05 14:05:48 {MyApp} ERROR [LoginScene|Network] Failed to find profile
With more configurations in the above example, it can be:
Logger.layout = Layout.chain([
Layout.time("HH:mm:ss"), // assign the timestamp format
Layout.brackets("<").embed([ // assign the brackets' type and embed another chain
"TAGS: ",
Layout.tags(dividedBy:",").uppercased() // assign the delimiter of tags and use the uppercase
],dividedBy: "\t") // insert "\t" between every two layout components
Logger.error("Failed to find profile",tags:["LoginScene","Network"])
The ouput comes to be
14:05:48 {MyApp} ERROR <TAGS: LoginScene|Network> Failed to find profile
Name | Description | Example |
TBD | Find the usage of layout components in SampleLogging.swift in SampleSwiftIOS project |
Override the function func present(_ event: Event) -> String
to create customized Layout
class MyLayout: Layout{
override func present(_ event: Event) -> String {
return "MyPrefix => [\(String(describing: event.sev))] \(event.message)"
Logger.layout = MyLayout()
Logger.error("This is an error message presented by 'MyLayout'")
The output
MyPrefix => [ERROR] This is an error message presented by 'MyLayout'
Another quick way to implement custom layout is to use closure
Logger.use(layout: Layout(){ (event) -> String in
return "'MyLayout' [\(String(describing: event.sev))] \(event.message)"
Logger.error("The format of this message is defined by a closure")
The output
'MyLayout' [ERROR] The format of this message is defined by a closure