ZK-Resources uses GDCC to compile its source code. GDCC is open-source software, its source code can be obtained at: https://github.com/DavidPH/GDCC
- Download the latest version of the Git repository here or by cloning the repository with your favorite Git tool. This tutorial assumes you just downloaded the repo directly, rather than cloning it.
- Extract the downloaded "zk-resources-master.zip" file to a folder somewhere.
- Wherever you extracted the zip, there should be a folder called "zk-resources-master". Inside are all the files you will need.
- Make a new folder inside the "zk-resources-master" folder called "GDCC" (if it doesn't exist already).
- Download the latest version of GDCC from here. The latest version will always be at the bottom. Get either the "Win32" or "Win64" version depending on your computer. NOTE: This has been tested with GDCC 0.12.0.
- Extract the archive to the GDCC folder that you just created.
- Now all you need to do is open "pk3_builder.bat" and follow the prompts.