
github mirror of the dnsjava.org svn repo from sf.net

Primary LanguageJavaBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

A dnsjava mirror hosted at github

This repository contains a github mirror of the dnsjava svn repository located at http://sourceforge.net/p/dnsjava/code/HEAD/tree/

On top of the upstream project I maintain this README.md file and a maven build pom.xml build file. The aim is to have a straighforward way to build and deploy arbitrary versions of the dnsjava library as maven artifacts and make them available as maven managed dependencies.

This repository is not at this time endorsed by Brian Wellington, the maintainer of the upstream dnsjava project. There is, however, mothing nothing stopping that from happening. Brian, if you are listening and are insterested in taking over this effort, just drop me a line.

Reporting issues with pom.xml

Feel free to open an issue on github, or even better, submit a pull request resolving your issue.

Reporting issues and providing patches to the upstream project

This should be done using the dnsjava sourceforge project located at http://sourceforge.net/projects/dnsjava/ For you code tracking convenience, the commits to upstream trunk are also available in the branch named upstream.

Details on how this repository is maintained

The repository is populated using the git-svn tool, initially by doing issuing the following command: git svn clone --stdlayout http://svn.code.sf.net/p/dnsjava/code

I then manually pushed the master branch onto the branch upstream and copied the pom.xml file from https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-1305 with some updates to the master branch.