There are six DPLocate modules. They are run in tandem. Their dependencies are:
- MATLAB >= 2017a
- Python >= 3.6
- pandas
Make sure you have the stated MATLAB and Python
Install the Mapping Toolbox
The toolbox should automatically install when you install MATLAB. Otherwise, this thread may be helpful to install it later. You can verify its existence by running this quick example.
Install Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally, clone this repository:
git clone
Individual module scripts are
. Learn more about them below.
DPLocate Step 0: Extract the raw GPS data
- The Raw data is saved as encrypted hourly
files with the following naming format
YYYY-MM-DD hh-mm-ss.csv.lock
- The Data has the following format:
- GPS data from row 1 with the following columns:
timestamp(JAVA time)|UTCtime(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss:mmm)|latitude(deg)|longitude(deg)|
- The output directory can be edited. The default is
and the file is saved asfile_gps.mat.lock
which contains six vector variables in MATLAB with the following names and contents:
t1: timestamp(JAVA time)
u1: UTCtime(YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss:mmm)
lat1: latitude(deg)
lon1: longitude(deg)
alt1: altitude(deg)
acc1: accuracy(m)
This step is the longest part of the pipeline and it can take hours per subject. Running that in parallel for different subjects of a study is recommended to reduce the execution time.
After this step run dplocate1-preprocess
For files that are locked, please provide a passphrase by setting the
environment variable.
For example:
export BEIWE_STUDY_PASSCODE='test passcode 1 2 3'
The default is that the pipeline runs for the new
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders
# Define the PHOENIX, consent and MATLAB directories --phoenix-dir [PHOENIX DIR] --consent-dir [CONSENT DIR] --matlab-dir [MATLAB DIR] --study STUDY_PILOT --data-type phone --include active --data-dir PROTECTED --subject A C
For more information, please run -h
DPLocate Step 1: Preprocess the GPS data with temporal filtering
The Input to this module is the Output of dplocate0-read. The input data is saved as an unencrypted
file. -
The Data has the following format:
- Five vector variables in MATLAB with the following names and contents:
t1: timestamp(JAVA time)
lat1: latitude(deg)
lon1: longitude(deg)
alt1: altitude(deg)
acc1: accuracy(m)
The output directory can be edited. The default is
and the file is saved asdash.mat.lock
. -
This step applies temporal filtering by defining 'epochs' and saves the summary of the epochs; as the following columns:
After this step run dplocate2-process pipeline
For files that are locked, please provide a passphrase by setting the
environment variable.
For example:
export BEIWE_STUDY_PASSCODE='test passcode 1 2 3'
The default is that the pipeline runs for the new
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders
# Define the PHOENIX, consent and MATLAB directories --phoenix-dir [PHOENIX DIR] --consent-dir [CONSENT DIR] --matlab-dir [MATLAB DIR] --study STUDY_PILOT --data-type phone --include active --data-dir PROTECTED --subject A C
For more information, please run -h
DPLocate Step 2: Process the GPS data with clustering (every 150 days for long studies)
The Input to this module is the Output of dplocate1-preprocess. The input data is saved as an unencrypted
file. -
The Data has the following format:
The output directory can be edited. The default is
and the file is saved asdaily_nr#.mat
where # is a natural number from 1 to inf. -
This step applies spatial clustering to the 'epochs' and saves the daily maps and the coordinates of the Points of Interest (PoIs).
After this step run dplocate3-aggregate pipeline
For files that are locked, please provide a passphrase by setting the
environment variable.
For example:
export BEIWE_STUDY_PASSCODE='test passcode 1 2 3'
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders
# Define the PHOENIX, consent and MATLAB directories --phoenix-dir [PHOENIX DIR] --consent-dir [CONSENT DIR] --matlab-dir [MATLAB DIR] --study STUDY_PILOT --data-type phone --include active --data-dir PROTECTED --subject A C
For more information, please run -h
DPLocate Step 3: Aggregate the processed daily maps of the study
The Input to this module is the Output of dplocate2-process. The input data is saved as encrypted
files. -
The output directory can be edited. The default is
and the file is saved asdaily_all.mat.lock
. -
This step aggregates the daily maps of the 150-day clusters.
After this step run dplocate4-plot pipeline
For files that are locked, please provide a passphrase by setting the
environment variable.
For example:
export BEIWE_STUDY_PASSCODE='test passcode 1 2 3'
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders
# Define the PHOENIX, consent and MATLAB directories --phoenix-dir [PHOENIX DIR] --consent-dir [CONSENT DIR] --matlab-dir [MATLAB DIR] --study STUDY_PILOT --data-type phone --include active --data-dir PROTECTED --subject A C
For more information, please run -h
DPLocate Step 4: Plot color-coded GPS daily map
The Input to this module is the Output of dplocate3-aggregate. The input data is saved as encrypted
files. -
The output directory can be edited. The default is GENERAL directory
and the file is saved asSTUDY_SUBJECT-tmzn.png
. -
This step plots the daily maps and transfers the processed data into the GENERAL folder.
After this step run dplocate5-markov pipeline
For files that are locked, please provide a passphrase by setting the
environment variable.
For example:
export BEIWE_STUDY_PASSCODE='test passcode 1 2 3'
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders
# Define the PHOENIX, consent and MATLAB directories --phoenix-dir [PHOENIX DIR] --consent-dir [CONSENT DIR] --matlab-dir [MATLAB DIR] --study STUDY_PILOT --data-type phone --include active --data-dir PROTECTED --subject A C
For more information, please run -h
DPLocate Step 5: Plot Time-Band maps and Markov diagrams
The Input to this module is the Output of dplocate3-aggregate. The input data is saved as encrypted
files. -
The output directory can be edited. The default is GENERAL directory
and the files are saved asSTUDY_SUBJECT-markov*.png.
. -
This step plots the Time-Band maps and Markov Model diagrams of the processed data into the GENERAL folder.
For files that are locked, please provide a passphrase by setting the
environment variable.
For example:
export BEIWE_STUDY_PASSCODE='test passcode 1 2 3'
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders
# Define the PHOENIX, consent and MATLAB directories --phoenix-dir [PHOENIX DIR] --consent-dir [CONSENT DIR] --matlab-dir [MATLAB DIR] --study STUDY_PILOT --data-type phone --include active --data-dir PROTECTED --subject A C
For more information, please run -h