
package for connect to myITS SSO by DPTSI ITS

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PHP OpenID Connect Basic Client

A simple library that allows an application to authenticate a user through the basic OpenID Connect flow. This library hopes to encourage OpenID Connect use by making it simple enough for a developer with little knowledge of the OpenID Connect protocol to setup authentication.

developed specifically to connect applications that want to connect with myITS SSO.


Your application must be registered to the system, you can register your app by visit DPTSI-ITS and ask for registrating your app


  1. PHP 5.4 or greater
  2. phpseclib/phpseclib 2.0 or greater
  3. CURL extension
  4. JSON extension


  1. Install library using composer
composer require myits/openid-connect-client:*
  1. Include composer autoloader and use class OpenIDConnectClient
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Its\Sso\OpenIDConnectClient;
use Its\Sso\OpenIDConnectClientException;

Sample login

require './vendor/autoload.php';

use Its\Sso\OpenIDConnectClient;
use Its\Sso\OpenIDConnectClientException;

try {
    $oidc = new OpenIDConnectClient(
                    'https://dev-my.its.ac.id', // authorization_endpoint
		    '***********************' // Client Secret
    $oidc->setRedirectURL('https://myweb.site/auth.php'); // must be the same as you registered
    $oidc->addScope('openid code phone profile'); //must be the same as you registered
    // remove this if in production mode

    $oidc->authenticate(); //call the main function of myITS SSO login

    $_SESSION['id_token'] = $oidc->getIdToken(); // must be save for check session dan logout proccess
    $user = $oidc->requestUserInfo(); // this will return user information from myITS SSO database
} catch (OpenIDConnectClientException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Sample logout

require './vendor/autoload.php';

use Its\OpenIDConnectClient;
use Its\OpenIDConnectClientException;

try {
    $redirect = 'https://myweb.site/index.php'; // set https://dev-my.its.ac.id or https://my.its.ac.id if you don't register post-logout URI

    if (isset($_SESSION['id_token'])) {
        $accessToken = $_SESSION['id_token'];


        $oidc = new OpenIDConnectClient(
                    'https://dev-my.its.ac.id', // authorization_endpoint
		    '***********************' // Client Secret
	// remove this if in production mode

        $oidc->signOut($accessToken, $redirect);

    header("Location: " . $redirect);
} catch (OpenIDConnectClientException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA) request

This is used in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember's (ITS) authorization server which supports CIBA.

a. Non signed request

    $oidc = new OpenIDConnectClient(
                'https://dev-my.its.ac.id', // authorization_endpoint
        '***********************' // Client Secret
    // Note that only ping and push modes require this token
    // but please for the sake of the library's function, pass this value even if you're not using ping or push.
    $clientNotificationToken = 'some random unguessable token used by the OP to as Authorization Bearer';
    // Hint currently supports only login_hint, which is the user's identifier
    $userId = 'user identifier as login hint';
    // how long should the authentication request id be valid for in seconds
    $requestedExpiry = '60';

       try {
            $response = (array)$this->oidcClient->authenticationRequestCiba($clientNotificationToken, $userId, $requestedExpiry);
        } catch (OpenIDConnectClientException $e) {
            echo $e->getMessage();
            return false;

        // authentication request id is in here

b. Signed request

    $oidc = new OpenIDConnectClient(
                'https://dev-my.its.ac.id', // authorization_endpoint
        '***********************' // Client Secret
    // Note that only ping and push modes require this token
    // but please for the sake of the library's function, pass this value even if you're not using ping or push.
    $clientNotificationToken = 'some random unguessable token used by the OP to as Authorization Bearer';
    // Hint currently supports only login_hint, which is the user's identifier
    $userId = 'user identifier as login hint';
    // how long should the authentication request id be valid for in seconds
    $requestedExpiry = '60';
    // this is used to sign the parameters
    $privateKey = 'private key for your client app.';
    $kid = 'key id for the private key';
    $alg = 'RS256'; // the default for function signedAuthenticationRequestCiba is RS256. Please look at CIBA specs for the supported alg.
       try {
            $response = (array)$this->oidcClient->signedAuthenticationRequestCiba($clientNotificationToken, $userId, $privateKey, $kid, $alg, $requestedExpiry);
        } catch (OpenIDConnectClientException $e) {
            echo $e->getMessage();
            return false;

        // authentication request id is in here

d. Token request

This is only for poll and ping mode.

    $authReqId = 'authentication request id from ciba request.';
    $response = (array)$this->oidcClient->cibaTokenRequest($authReqId);
    // token is in here

More information

More information and sample of this package you can see at our wiki