
CoreOS on EC2 with an ELB and vulcand reverse proxies.

Primary LanguagePHP


This repo contains configuration files to set up a CoreOS cluster on EC2 with an ELB and Vulcan reverse proxies. There is also a sample configuration for an apache server.

To set up a new cluster:

  1. Set up AWS CLI (tools use the profile "home" at present)
  2. Make sure you have a ~/.dockercfg file (create one with docker login)
  3. Run node tools/create-stack.js --name MyStack --keypair mykeypair
  4. Go to the EC2 console and make note of the public IP address of one of the instances and export as CLUSTER_IP

You can also create a new stack manually by uploading the template and following the steps.

To start the vulcan instances (assuming you have 5 hosts):

  fleetctl --tunnel $CLUSTER_IP start vulcan/vulcan.*.service

In Route53 create A records for your domains and point at the Load Balancer's public IP (it'll look something like MyCluster-ClusterLB-42342ASFGASD-1457111472.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com).

Update defaultweb/defaultweb-discovery.service to include the domains you manage.

Then you can start the default apache server using:

  fleetctl --tunnel $CLUSTER_IP start defaultweb/*.service

To customize the apache server you'll want to push to your own docker repository, and update the service config accordingly.

(Note: Vulcan isn't yet intended for production use)