
My personal Archcraft dotfiles 🌱

Primary LanguageShell

This repository contains various color themes mainly designed for Archcraft, an Archlinux distribution. Below you can find a guide to install this theme on your system and apply them, as well as the color theme for GTK and system icons.

Table of Contents

Available themes

Installing the theme

You have to clone this repository, then copy the theme into the appropriate path on your system. Before this, as during the guide you will download several files, it would be correct to make a directory to save these temporary files and then delete them:

# Make the directory and enter
cd && mkdir dpv-theme-files

# Clone the repo
cd dpv-theme-files
git clone https://github.com/dpv927/dotfiles.git

Now you have to copy the theme to the path of your archcraft system where all the themes are stored:

# Define your desired theme to install
THEME_NAME="onedark" # See the list of available themes above

# Define your screen resolution with one of the following variables: 
cp -r dotfiles/themes/${THEME_NAME}/ ~/.config/bspwm/themes

# If you want to, you can change the name of the theme
mv ~/.config/bspwm/themes/${THEME_NAME} ~/.config/bspwm/themes/${NEW_THEME_NAME}

Finally, if you are using a big resolution like 3840x2160px, copy the contents of my Xresources file to fix the cursor size:

cat dotfiles/config/.Xresources >> ~/.Xresources

Installing the GTK theme

Catppuccin theme

I use the official Catppuccin theme for GTK. You can install it with yay:

yay -S catppuccin-gtk-theme-frappe

Installing the icon theme

Catppuccin theme

The theme I use for the system icons is the official Catppuccin theme. First you need to have the Papirus icon theme, which is installed with the following command:

wget -qO- https://git.io/papirus-icon-theme-install | sh

Finally we installed the Catppuccin theme:

# Clone the theme's files
git clone https://github.com/catppuccin/papirus-folders.git

# Install the theme
sudo cp -r papirus-folders/src/* /usr/share/icons/Papirus
./papirus-folders/papirus-folders -C cat-frappe-lavender --theme Papirus-Dark

Changing the lockscreen

Maybe you want to change the onedark theme lockscreen to match the desktop theme. There are various wallpapers available at the wallpapers directory that maybe match with your ideas. If you want so, make the next changes to the sddm theme:

# First, be shure to be at the dpv-theme-files directory
cd ~/dpv-theme-files
WALLPAPER_NAME="waves.png" # change this, is an example

# Update the SDDM lockscreen
sudo cp dotfiles/wallpapers/${WALLPAPER_NAME} /usr/share/sddm/themes/archcraft/Backgrounds/
sudo sed -i 's/Backgrounds\/bg-1.png/Backgrounds\/${WALLPAPER_NAME}/g' /usr/share/sddm/themes/archcraft/theme.conf

Then you can also change the lockscreen that appears when you suspend the computer:

# Dont forget to set $WALLPAPER_NAME!
betterlockscreen -u dotfiles/resources/${WALLPAPER_NAME}

Applying the theme

Applying the theme is very simple, just press the Win+t keys (that is the default combination) or run the theme script:

sh ~/.config/bspwm/themes/${THEME_NAME}/apply.sh


This repository is not licensed under any license since the files are largely based on the initial Archcraft configuration and the color schemes come from Catppuccin.