
Welcome to my 100 Days of Data Structures and Algorithms series! Follow my journey as I solve various DSA problems day by day. Each day's progress is documented below with links to the solutions.

Primary LanguageC++

30 Days of DSA 🚀

Welcome to my 100 Days of Data Structures and Algorithms series! Follow my journey as I solve various DSA problems day by day. Each day's progress is documented below with links to the solutions.

Day Topics Covered Problems Solved Solution Links
1 Basics up to Loops 115+ Pattern Questions GitHub
2 Functions and Operators Various problems GitHub
3 Number Systems and Bit Manipulation 7. Reverse Integer
Convert the Temperature (LeetCode)
Number System
Set the K-th bit of a given number
4 Arrays and Complexity Array Basics
Extreme Print In Array
Linear Search
Maximum Number In Array
Reverse Array
Swap 3 Methods
Time & Space Complexity
5 Advanced Array Operations Find Unique Element
Intersection of Two Arrays
Pair Sum
Sort 0 and 1
Triplet Sum
Union of Two Arrays
Vector Array Operations
6 Matrix Manipulations Find the Duplicate Number
Spiral Matrix (LeetCode)
Sort Colors
Add Two Numbers Represented By Two Arrays (String Method)
Add Two Numbers Represented By Two Arrays
Common Element In 3 Sorted Arrays
Factorial Of Large Number
Find First Repeating Element (GFG)
Min Max In 2D Array
Missing Element From An Array With Duplicate
Move Negative Array
Row Sum
Search In 2D Array
Transpose Of Matrix
Wave Print Of Array (Column-Wise)
Wave Print Of Array (Row-Wise)