
This is a demo of real bookmyshow, where the user can book a movie with specified seats at a specified slot and get a confirmation that, wheteher booking was sucessful or not.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Book my show..

This is a demo of real bookmyshow, where the user can book a movie with specified seats at a specified slot and get a confirmation that, wheteher booking was sucessful or not.

The movie booked by the user will be stored in database and is retrived and shown to the user.

Link to website -> BookMyShow

Overall UI of the app.

App Screenshot

Getting confirmations from server.

App Screenshot

Information about previous booking details.

App screenshot

Technologies that are used.

  • React

    This app is fully built on top of react library.
  • Axios / Fetch

    Used for making api calls.

Contributors :

  1. Darshan Vasani | Profile.
  2. Krupali Desai | Profile.

Contributions are always welcome!

Thank You !