
An adaptor for official PHP Elasticsearch client

Primary LanguagePHP

Elastic Adapter

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Elastic Adapter is an adapter for official PHP Elasticsearch client. It's designed to simplify basic index and document operations.



The current version of Elastic Adapter has been tested with the following configuration:

  • PHP 7.2-7.4
  • Elasticsearch 7.x


The library can be installed via Composer:

composer require babenkoivan/elastic-adapter

Index Management

IndexManager can be used to manipulate indices. It uses Elasticsearch client as a dependency, therefore you need to initiate the client before you create an IndexManager instance:

$client = \Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder::fromConfig([
  'hosts' => [

$indexManager = new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\IndexManager($client);

The manager provides a list of useful methods, which are listed below.


Creates an index, either with the default settings and mapping:

$index = new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\Index('my_index');


or configured accordingly to your needs:

$mapping = (new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\Mapping())
    ->text('title', [
        'boost' => 2,
    ->keyword('tag', [
        'null_value' => 'NULL'

$settings = (new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\Settings())
        'number_of_replicas' => 2,
        'refresh_interval' => -1

$index = new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\Index('my_index', $mapping, $settings);



Deletes an index:


Put Mapping

Updates an index mapping:

$mapping = (new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\Mapping())
    ->text('title', [
        'boost' => 2,
    ->keyword('tag', [
        'null_value' => 'NULL'

$indexManager->putMapping('my_index', $mapping);

Put Settings

Updates an index settings:

$settings = (new \ElasticAdapter\Indices\Settings())
        'analyzer' => [
            'content' => [
                'type' => 'custom',
                'tokenizer' => 'whitespace'    

$indexManager->putSettings('my_index', $settings);


Checks if an index exists:



Opens an index:



Closes an index:


Document Management

Similarly to IndexManager, the DocumentManager class also depends on Elasticsearch client:

$client = \Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder::fromConfig([
  'hosts' => [

$documentManager = new \ElasticAdapter\Documents\DocumentManager($client);


Adds a document to an index:

$documents = [
    new ElasticAdapter\Documents\Document('1', ['title' => 'foo']),
    new ElasticAdapter\Documents\Document('2', ['title' => 'bar']),

$documentManager->index('my_index', $documents);

There is also an option to refresh index immediately:

$documentManager->index('my_index', $documents, true);


Removes a document from index:

$documents = [
    new ElasticAdapter\Documents\Document('1', ['title' => 'foo']),
    new ElasticAdapter\Documents\Document('2', ['title' => 'bar']),

$documentManager->delete('my_index', $documents);

If you want an index to be refreshed immediately pass true as the third argument:

$documentManager->delete('my_index', $documents, true);

You can also delete documents using query:

$documentManager->deleteByQuery('my_index', ['match_all' => new \stdClass()]);


Finds documents in an index:

$request = new \ElasticAdapter\Search\SearchRequest([
    'match_phrase' => ['message' => 'number 1']

    'fields' => [
        'message' => [
            'type' => 'plain',
            'fragment_size' => 15,
            'number_of_fragments' => 3,
            'fragmenter' => 'simple'

    ['post_date' => ['order' => 'asc']],


$response = $documentManager->search('my_index', $request);

// total number of matched documents
$total = $response->getHitsTotal(); 

// corresponding hits
$hits = $response->getHits();

// you can retrieve related document, highlight or raw representation of the hit as shown below
foreach ($hits as $hit) {
    $document = $hit->getDocument();
    $highlight = $hit->getHighlight();
    $raw = $hit->getRaw();