
A workplace jukebox application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A jukebox application utilizing Node, Express, Socket.io and SCM-Player.


gamusic is a internet music jukebox that plays music from youtube, soundcloud and mp3 links. gamusic allows for a group of listeners to participate in music selection and control, letting users place requests and vote to skip tracks.


gamusic requires node.js and a mysql database.


To install gamusic, clone the repository and install node.js if it's not already on the system. Then, download the packages using:

npm install

Open up server.js and edit the db_config (Lines 5-9), filling in the host, port, user, password and database with the appropriate values.

var db_config = {
    host: <HOST>,
    port : <MYSQL PORT>,
    user: '<DATABASE USERNAME>',
    password: '<DATABASE PASSWORD>',
    database: '<DATABASE NAME>'

By default, gamusic will run at localhost:3030. If a different url is to be used, edit the following code on line 11 of index.html, replacing BASE URL with the url of the app. var socket = io.connect();

To run the application, use the following command:

node server.js

The player is located at http://localhost:3000/player.html by default. The listener page is the root of the application, http://localhost:3000 by default. Replace localhost:3000 with whatever base ur you entered in index.html

Issues/Remaining Items

  • Admin panel to manage playlist
  • Clean unused and old code and remove unecessary files.