
gettext and iconv binaries for Windows

Primary LanguageVBScript

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gettext tools and iconv binaries for Windows.

Ready-to-use binaries

If you don't want to waste your time or if you don't know much about compiling and virtual machines, see mlocati.github.io/articles/gettext-iconv-windows.html.

Building with Docker

You can build the gettext/iconv binaries with Docker.

Simply clone this repository, open a terminal and run this command:

  • Linux/Mac:
    docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD:/app mlocati/gettext-iconv-windows:latest" /app/compile-iconv-gettext-windows.sh
  • Windows (cmd)
    docker run --rm -it -v "%CD%:/app" mlocati/gettext-iconv-windows:latest /app/compile-iconv-gettext-windows.sh
  • Windows (PowerShell)
    docker run --rm -it -v "$((Get-Location).Path):/app" mlocati/gettext-iconv-windows:latest /app/compile-iconv-gettext-windows.sh

To compile all the versions (shared and static, 32 and 64 bits), you can use the compile-iconv-gettext-windows-all.sh script.

Building with a virtual machine or Ubuntu

The build script has been written for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Get the *.sh files and the patches directory (they must reside in the same directory).

Run the compile-iconv-gettext-windows.sh script to build the Windows binary files.

Checking the compiled files

This requires a Windows PC.

  • make sure the compiled files are in the directory compiled\<shared|static>-<32|64>
  • launch the check-dependencies.vbs script (cscript //Nologo check-dependencies.vbs)
  • launch the build-setup.vbs script (cscript //Nologo build-setup.vbs)

Creating the setup files

This requires a Windows PC with Inno Setup installed (I used version 5.5.9-unicode).

If you want to build a setup to install these executables and automatically add them to the environmental path:

  • make sure the compiled files are in the directory compiled\<shared|static>-<32|64>
  • launch the build-setup.vbs script


The patch that adds support to the GETTEXTIOENCODING environmental variable was created by Václav Slavík.

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