NoteX iOS
- Wrong time in note detail screen
- Update relative time format
- Title should be first non-empty line
- Update db model
- App crash if there is no note
- App show "Deleted {nil} [Undo]" if delete a note after creating less than 3 seconds
- Localization (multi-language): now supporting English and Vietnamese
- List page: the last item is overlapped by "Take a note" bar.
- Cannot open new note page when tap outside of "Take a note" text.
- Should auto open keyboard when open new note page
- Text is overlapped by keyboard
- List page: Use "No additional text" if description is empty
- List page: show relative date time format.
- Show "Deleted {note title} [Undo]" message after delete note
- Auto scroll list to top after creating/editing note
- Prevent user from creating note with all whitespace/newlines characters
- List all current notes
- Each item have: title, created date and overview. Notice: there is no place to input title, title is the first line of the note content (similar to OSX Notes)
- There is a textbox at the bottom (look like a chat message box), tap to it will open Create note page. (similar to Google Keep mobile app)
- Tap to item opens note detail page.
- This page will be used for create/view/edit notes
- Top page show current date time, this is the note created date. Automatically updated when user edit.
- Note content: there is only 1 field, no need to enter title and content.
- No save button, everything entered will be automatically save (could be debounce for 1 seconds or more)