
Wrangling Untrusted File Formats Safely

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Wrangling Untrusted File Formats Safely

(Formerly known as Puffs: Parsing Untrusted File Formats Safely).

Wuffs is a domain-specific language and library for wrangling untrusted file formats safely. Wrangling includes parsing, decoding and encoding. Examples of such file formats include images, audio, video, fonts and compressed archives.

Unlike the C programming language, Wuffs is safe with respect to buffer overflows, integer arithmetic overflows and null pointer dereferences. The key difference between Wuffs and other memory-safe languages is that all such checks are done at compile time, not at run time. If it compiles, it is safe, with respect to those three bug classes.

The aim is to produce software libraries that are as safe as Go or Rust, roughly speaking, but as fast as C, and that can be used anywhere C libraries are used. This includes very large C/C++ products, such as popular web browsers and operating systems (using that term to include desktop and mobile user interfaces, not just the kernel).

The trade-off in aiming for both safety and speed is that Wuffs programs take longer for a programmer to write, as they have to explicitly annotate their programs with proofs of safety. A statement like x += 1 unsurprisingly means to increment the variable x by 1. However, in Wuffs, such a statement is a compile time error unless the compiler can also prove that x is not the maximal value of x's type (e.g. x is not 255 if x is a u8), as the increment would otherwise overflow. Similarly, an integer arithmetic expression like x / y is a compile time error unless the compiler can also prove that y is not zero.

Wuffs is not a general purpose programming language. While technically possible, it is unlikely that a Wuffs compiler would be worth writing in Wuffs.

What Does Wuffs Code Look Like?

The std/lzw/decode_lzw.wuffs file is a good example. See the "Poking Around" section below for more guidance.

What Does Compile Time Checking Look Like?

For example, making this one-line edit to the GIF codec leads to a compile time error. wuffs gen fails to generate the C code, i.e. fails to compile (transpile) the Wuffs code to C code:

diff --git a/std/lzw/decode_lzw.wuffs b/std/lzw/decode_lzw.wuffs
index f878c5e..f10dcee 100644
--- a/std/lzw/decode_lzw.wuffs
+++ b/std/lzw/decode_lzw.wuffs
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ pub func lzw_decoder.decode?(dst ptr buf1, src ptr buf1, src_final bool)() {

                        if use_save_code {
-                               this.suffixes[save_code] = c as u8
+                               this.suffixes[save_code] = (c + 1) as u8
                                this.prefixes[save_code] = prev_code as u16
$ wuffs gen std/gif
check: expression "(c + 1) as u8" bounds [1..256] is not within bounds [0..255] at
/home/n/go/src/github.com/google/wuffs/std/lzw/decode_lzw.wuffs:101. Facts:
    n_bits < 8
    c < 256
    this.stack[s] == (c as u8)

In comparison, this two-line edit will compile (but the "does it decode GIF correctly" tests then fail):

diff --git a/std/lzw/decode_lzw.wuffs b/std/lzw/decode_lzw.wuffs
index f878c5e..b43443d 100644
--- a/std/lzw/decode_lzw.wuffs
+++ b/std/lzw/decode_lzw.wuffs
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ pub func lzw_decoder.decode?(dst ptr buf1, src ptr buf1, src_final bool)() {
                        // type checking, bounds checking and code generation for it).

-                       if use_save_code {
-                               this.suffixes[save_code] = c as u8
+                       if use_save_code and (c < 200) {
+                               this.suffixes[save_code] = (c + 1) as u8
                                this.prefixes[save_code] = prev_code as u16
$ wuffs gen std/gif
gen wrote:      /home/n/go/src/github.com/google/wuffs/gen/c/gif.c
gen unchanged:  /home/n/go/src/github.com/google/wuffs/gen/h/gif.h
$ wuffs test std/gif
gen unchanged:  /home/n/go/src/github.com/google/wuffs/gen/c/gif.c
gen unchanged:  /home/n/go/src/github.com/google/wuffs/gen/h/gif.h
test:           /home/n/go/src/github.com/google/wuffs/test/c/gif
gif/basic.c     clang   PASS (8 tests run)
gif/basic.c     gcc     PASS (8 tests run)
gif/gif.c       clang   FAIL test_lzw_decode: bufs1_equal: wi: got 19311, want 19200.
contents differ at byte 3 (in hex: 0x000003):
  000000: dcdc dc00 00d9 f5f9 f6df dc5f 393a 3a3a  ..........._9:::
  000010: 3a3b 618e c8e4 e4e4 e5e4 e600 00e4 bbbb  :;a.............
  000020: eded 8f91 9191 9090 9090 9190 9192 9192  ................
  000030: 9191 9292 9191 9293 93f0 f0f0 f1f1 f2f2  ................
excerpts of got (above) versus want (below):
  000000: dcdc dcdc dcd9 f5f9 f6df dc5f 393a 3a3a  ..........._9:::
  000010: 3a3a 618e c8e4 e4e4 e5e4 e6e4 e4e4 bbbb  ::a.............
  000020: eded 8f91 9191 9090 9090 9090 9191 9191  ................
  000030: 9191 9191 9191 9193 93f0 f0f0 f1f1 f2f2  ................

gif/gif.c       gcc     FAIL test_lzw_decode: bufs1_equal: wi: got 19311, want 19200.
contents differ at byte 3 (in hex: 0x000003):
  000000: dcdc dc00 00d9 f5f9 f6df dc5f 393a 3a3a  ..........._9:::
  000010: 3a3b 618e c8e4 e4e4 e5e4 e600 00e4 bbbb  :;a.............
  000020: eded 8f91 9191 9090 9090 9190 9192 9192  ................
  000030: 9191 9292 9191 9293 93f0 f0f0 f1f1 f2f2  ................
excerpts of got (above) versus want (below):
  000000: dcdc dcdc dcd9 f5f9 f6df dc5f 393a 3a3a  ..........._9:::
  000010: 3a3a 618e c8e4 e4e4 e5e4 e6e4 e4e4 bbbb  ::a.............
  000020: eded 8f91 9191 9090 9090 9090 9191 9191  ................
  000030: 9191 9191 9191 9193 93f0 f0f0 f1f1 f2f2  ................

wuffs-test-c: some tests failed
wuffs test: some tests failed


Decoding untrusted data, such as images downloaded from across the web, have a long history of security vulnerabilities. As of 2017, libpng is over 18 years old, and the PNG specification is dated 2003, but that well examined C library is still getting CVE's published in 2017.

Sandboxing and fuzzing can mitigate the danger, but they are reactions to C's fundamental unsafety. Newer programming languages remove entire classes of potential security bugs. Buffer overflows and null pointer dereferences are amongst the most well known.

Less well known are integer overflow bugs. Offset-length pairs, defining a sub-section of a file, are seen in many file formats, such as OpenType fonts and PDF documents. A conscientious C programmer might think to check that a section of a file or a buffer is within bounds by writing if (offset + length < end) before processing that section, but that addition can silently overflow, and a maliciously crafted file might bypass the check.

A variation on this theme is where offset is a pointer, exemplified by capnproto's CVE-2017-7892 and another example. For a pointer-typed offset, witnessing such a vulnerability can depend on both the malicious input itself and the addresses of the memory the software used to process that input. Those addresses can vary from run to run and from system to system, e.g. 32-bit versus 64-bit systems and whether dynamically allocated memory can have sufficiently high address values, and that variability makes it harder to reproduce and to catch such subtle bugs from fuzzing.

In C, some integer overflow is undefined behavior, as per the C99 spec section 3.4.3. In Go, integer overflow is silently ignored. In Rust, integer overflow is checked at run time in debug mode and silently ignored in release mode by default, as the run time performance penalty was deemed too great. In Swift, it's a run time error. In D, it's configurable. Other languages like Python and Haskell can automatically spill into 'big integers' larger than 64 bits, but this can have a performance impact when such integers are used in inner loops.

Even if overflow is checked, it is usually checked at run time. Similarly, modern languages do their bounds checking at run time. An expression like a[i] is really if ((0 <= i) && (i < a.length)) { use a[i] } else { throw }, in mangled pseudo-code. Compilers for these languages can often eliminate many of these bounds checks, e.g. if i is an iterator index, but not always all of them.

The run time cost is small, measured in nanoseconds. But if an image decoding library has to eat this cost per pixel, and you have a megapixel image, then nanoseconds become milliseconds, and milliseconds can matter.

In comparison, in Wuffs, all bounds checks and arithmetic overflow checks happen at compile time, with zero run time overhead.

Getting Started

Wuffs code (that is proved safe via explicit assertions) is compiled to C code (with those assertions removed) - it is transpiled. If you are a C/C++ programmer and just want to use the C edition of the Wuffs standard library, then clone the repository and look at the files in the gen/c and gen/h directories. No other software tools are required and there are no library dependencies, other than C standard library concepts like <stdint.h>'s uint32_t type and <string.h>'s memset function.

If your C/C++ project is large, you might want both the .c files (adding each to your build system) and the .h files. If your C/C++ project is small, you might only need the .c files, not the .h files, as the .c files are designed to be a drop-in library. For example, if you want a GIF decoder, you only need gif.c. See TODO for an example. More complicated decoders might require multiple .c files - multiple modules. For example, the PNG codec (TODO) requires the deflate codec, but they are separate files, since HTTP can use also deflate compression (also known as gzip or zlib, roughly speaking) without necessarily processing PNG images.

Getting Deeper

If you want to modify the Wuffs standard library, or compile your own Wuffs code, you will need to do a little more work, and will have to install at least the Go toolchain in order to build the Wuffs tools. To run the test suite, you might also have to install C compilers like clang and gcc, as well as C libraries (and their .h files) like libjpeg and libpng, as some tests compare that Wuffs produces exactly the same output as these other libraries.

Running go get -v github.com/google/wuffs/cmd/... will download and install the Wuffs tools. Change get to install to re-install those programs without downloading, e.g. after you've modified their source code, or after a manually issued git pull. The Wuffs tools that you'll most often use are wuffsfmt (analogous to clang-format, gofmt or rustfmt) and wuffs (roughly analogous to make, go or cargo).

You should now be able to run wuffs test. If all goes well, you should see some output containing the word "PASS" multiple times.

Poking Around

Feel free to edit the std/lzw/decode_lzw.wuffs file, which implements the GIF LZW decoder. After editing, run wuffs gen std/gif or wuffs test std/gif to re-generate the C edition of the Wuffs standard library's GIF codec, and optionally run its tests.

Try deleting an assert statement and re-running wuffs gen. The result should be syntactically valid, but a compile error, as some bounds checks can no longer be proven.

Find the line var bits u32, which declares the bits variable and initializes it to zero. Try adding bits -= 1 on a new line of code after it. Again, wuffs gen should fail, as the computation can underflow.

Similarly, replacing the line var n_bits u32 with var n_bits u32 = 10 should fail, as an n_bits < 8 assertion, a pre-condition, a few lines further down again cannot be proven.

Similarly, changing the 4095 in var prev_code u32[..4095] either higher or lower should fail.

Try adding assert false at various places, which should obviously fail, but should also cause wuffs gen to print what facts the compiler can prove at that point. This can be useful when debugging why Wuffs can't prove something you think it should be able to.

Running the Tests

If you've changed any of the tools (i.e. changed any .go code), re-run go install -v github.com/google/wuffs/cmd/... and go test github.com/google/wuffs/lang/....

If you've changed any of the libraries (i.e. changed any .wuffs code), run wuffs test or, ideally, wuffs test -mimic to also check that Wuffs' output mimics (i.e. exactly matches) other libraries' output, such as giflib for GIF, libpng for PNG, etc.

If your library change is an optimization, run wuffs bench or wuffs bench -mimic both before and after your change to quantify the improvement. The mimic benchmark numbers should't change if you're only changing .wuffs code, but seeing zero change in those numbers is a sanity check on any unrelated system variance, such as software updates or virus checkers running in the background.

Directory Layout

  • lang holds the Go libraries that implement the Wuffs language: tokenizer, AST, parser, renderer, etc. The Wuffs tools are written in Go, but as mentioned above, Wuffs transpiles to C code, and Go is not necessarily involved if all you want is to use the C edition of Wuffs.
  • cmd holds Wuffs' command line tools, also written in Go.
  • std holds the Wuffs standard library's code. The initial focus is on popular image codecs: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and WEBP.
  • gen holds the transpiled editions of that standard library. The initial focus is generating C code. Later on, the repository might include generated Go and Rust code.
  • release holds the releases of the Wuffs standard library.
  • test holds the regular tests for the Wuffs standard library.
  • fuzz holds the fuzz tests for the Wuffs standard library.
  • script holds miscellaneous utility programs.
  • doc holds documentation.
  • example holds example programs.

For a guide on how various things work together, the "99ff8e2 Let fields have default values" commit is an example of adding new Wuffs syntax and threading that all the way through to C code generation and testing.




Proof of concept. Version 0.1 at best. API and ABI aren't stabilized yet. There are plenty of tests to create, docs to write and TODOs to do. The compiler undoubtedly has bugs. Assertion checking needs more rigor, especially around side effects and aliasing, and being sufficiently well specified to allow alternative implementations. Lots of detail needs work, but the broad brushstrokes are there.


The mailing list is at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/wuffs.


The CONTRIBUTING.md file contains instructions on how to file the Contributor License Agreement before sending any pull requests (PRs). Of course, if you're new to the project, it's usually best to discuss any proposals and reach consensus before sending your first PR.


Apache 2. See the LICENSE file for details.


This is not an official Google product, it is just code that happens to be owned by Google.

Updated on June 2018.