This is official Pytorch implementation of "Graph Refinement based Airway Extraction using Mean-Field Networks and Graph Neural Networks", Raghavendra Selvan et al. 2020


What is this repository for?

  • Source code for the models described in the paper

How do I get set up?

  • Basic Pytorch dependency
  • Tested on Pytorch 1.3, Python 3.6
  • Currently the clinical data used cannot be made public. We are working on making it available.

Usage guidelines

  • Kindly cite our publication if you use any part of the code
 	title={Graph Refinement based Airway Extraction using Mean-Field Networks and Graph Neural Networks},
	author={Raghavendra Selvan and Thomas Kipf and Max Welling and Antonio Garcia-Uceda Juarez and Jesper H Pedersen and Jens Petersen and Marleen de Bruijne},
 	journal={Medical Image Analysis,

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