
Tailwind components for angular

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This lib is still under construction however some components are still working.

Angular components for Tailwind CSS

ng-tw is a set of components to use tailwind css with angular, created with love to the community.

Demo, playground and documentation



Add ng-tw, tailwind and @angular/cdk dependency to your project:

npm install ng-tw @angular/cdk tailwindcss

We use @angular/cdk mostly for overlay components like notification, select and others, in order to make it work on a minimum setup you'll need to import their css in your style.scss:

@import '@angular/cdk/overlay-prebuilt.css';

Tailwind Config

First you'll need to setup tailwind on your angular project, to do that you can follow the setup documentation on tailwind website.

With angular +12 the process is pretty straight forward and since this lib was made with angular +13 you shouldn't have much problems to setup tailwind.

Color config

The theme design is based on a set of colors to make it easy to use inside components.

  • primary
  • secondary
  • danger
  • warning

Color config in tailwind.config.js

const colors = require('tailwindcss/colors');

module.exports = {
    theme: {
        extend: {
            colors: {
                primary: { ...colors.indigo, DEFAULT: colors.indigo[500] },
                secondary: { ...colors.pink, DEFAULT: colors.pink[500] },
                danger: { ...colors.red, DEFAULT: colors.red[500] },
    variants: {
        extend: {
            opacity: ['disabled'],
            backgroundColor: ['disabled'],

Disabled Variants

It's also important to note that you should add the disabled variant for opacity and backgroundColor.


Tailwind uses purge to make the bundle size smaller, you'll need to setup the lib in the content section of your tailwind.config.js to make it work

module.exports = {
    content: [..., './node_modules/ng-tw/**/*'],

Further documentation

For more instructions and documentation:
