
Block-aligned file read/writer

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Block-aligned File Read/Writer

For writing and reading block-aligned files. Each page has a header with an optional schema name and pointers to each record in the page.


The first 8 bytes of each page are the fixed-length header. The rest of the header is information about the location of each record in the page, stored as a list of Uint16 pairs, with each pair specifying the byte offset of the record and its byte length (in that order).

The rest of the page is arbitrary 'records' of bytes, filled in backwards from the end of the page. Each row is accessed by reading its offset within the file and its byte length, specified in the header.

This page arrangement is heavily inspired by PostgreSQL's Database Page Layout.


Note: this repository uses Deno as a runtime environment for TypeScript.

// table-demo.ts

import { FileTable } from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dquenne/block-files/master/src/index.ts";

const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const encoder = new TextEncoder();

await Deno.writeFile("./tmp-table", new Uint8Array()); // create or overwrite

const table = await FileTable.fromPath(
  (row) => decoder.decode(row),
  (input) => encoder.encode(input)

const pointers = await table.addRows([
  "row 0",
  "another row",
  "row 2",
  "marginally longer row",
await table.addRow("and one more");

const row1 = await table.getRow(pointers[1]);

console.log(row1, "- stored at", pointers[1]); // "another row - stored at RowPointer { pageNumber: 0, recordNumber: 1 }"

To run the above code:

deno --allow-read --allow-write ./table-demo.ts


class FileTable<RowType>

Implements ITable<RowType>

(static) FileTable.fromPath()

  static async fromPath<T>(
    path: string,
    pageBytes: number,
    deserialize: Deserializer<T>,
    serialize: Serializer<T>

Takes in a path to an existing file, opens the file, and returns a new FileTable instance with that file as its data store. Must supply page size in bytes, as well as functions to serialize and deserialize rows.