NextJS starter

Fully static NextJS app template with set of awersome libraries



  • 🌏   i18n

    Supports route based i18n with lingui.js ❤️

  • ✨   Effective api data managenemnt tool

    Used react-query to fetch and manage api data provides simple but powerfull set of features 💪

  • 🌊   Next generation css

    Includes chakra-ui components which makes your app building fun and easy 🌟

  • 📁   Optimized folders structure

    The folders structure changed to classic React progect manner, where src/ includes all stuff

  • 🪝   Pre-commit hooks

    Uses husky with lint-staged to prevent low-quality code leaking into the commits ☔


Get started

Install dependencies

npm i

Compile messages and Run project

npm run compile
npm run dev

To run with auto recompile i18n messages use

npm run dev:watchi18n


Add new locale

To add new locale first update .linguirc config

  "locales": ["en", "cs", "<add-your-locale-here>"],
  "sourceLocale": "en",
  "catalogs": [
      "path": "src/locales/{locale}/messages",
      "include": ["src"]
  "format": "po"

And then run npm run extract this will generate translation files in locales/<new-locale>

Auto recompile locale messages

This project supports authomatically recompile messages on *.po files changes to produce messages.js for each locale Use npm run dev:watchi18n to achieve this


  • add tests template