Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is the repository for the paper: Global Human-guided Counterfactual Explanations for Molecular Properties via Reinforcement Learning.


We recommend using a conda environment to set up.

$ conda create -n rlhex python=3.9
$ conda activate rlhex
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .

Download Checkpoints

  • To use PS-VAE as the backbone, download checkpoints from PS-VAE and put it under the PS-VAE/ckpts directory.
  • To re-use the GNN classifier trained by GCFExplainer, download checkpoints from GCFExplainer and put it under the data directory.

Note: You can change the default checkpoint path by editing the config files under configs/*.yaml


We integrate several baselines into our repo for reproduction.

For PSVAE and PSVAE-SA, you can directly use the following commands:

$ python sample.py --config configs/baseline.yaml  # sample CF candidates
$ python summary.py --config configs/summary.yaml  # summarize the top-k candidates from the candidate set

# PSVAE-SA on the aids dataset
$ python sample.py --config configs/config_aids.yaml
$ python summary.py --config configs/summary_aids.yaml

The first time you run these commands, it will process the data/*.smi and save the .pt files to the data/.

We add the validity check to the original GCFExplainer for a fair comparison. You can use the code under baselines/GCFExplainer to run the experiments:

$ cd baselines/GCFExplainer
$ python vrrw.py --dataset aids # random walk to get the CF candidates
$ python summary.py --dataset aids  # summarize the top-k candidates from the candidate set


we use the PPO framework for our RLHEX. The main code lies under the src/ directory. To get a better understanding of the PPO framework, please refer to the original repo.

There are some extra requirements for the PPO training. To set up:

$ conda activate rlhex
$ cd src
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

The main entry is src/main.py and the options are listed in src/arguments.py. Please check the meaning of different options before running the experiment.

For training on the aids, a typical command is like:

$ python main.py --dataset aids \
    --temp 1 --beam_size 10 \
    --lr 2e-4 --batch_size 64 \
    --eval_every 10 --max_timesteps_per_episode 1 \
    --obs_type emb --action_type z --ucb \
    --cov_weight 1 --pred_weight 1 \
    --wandb --name train_on_aids


For evaluation, the command is like:

$ python main.py \
    --dataset aids \
    --mode test \
    --temp 1 --beam_size 10 \
    --lr 2e-4 --batch_size 64 \
    --eval_every 10 --max_timesteps_per_episode 1 \
    --obs_type emb --action_type z \
    --ucb --cov_weight 1 --pred_weight 1 \
    --ckpt_dir <path-to-the-checkpoint>

The result file will be put under results/aids/test_runs/.