
A curated list of awesome Recommender System (Books, Conferences, Researchers, Papers, Github Repositories, Useful Sites, Youtube Videos)

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A curated list of awesome Recommender System - designed by Jihoo Kim

Table of Contents

  1. Books
  2. Conferences
  3. Researchers
  4. Papers
  5. GitHub Repositories
  6. Useful Sites
  7. Youtube Videos

1. Books

2. Conferences

  • AAAI (AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
  • CIKM (ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management)
  • CSCW (ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing)
  • ICDM (IEEE International Conference on Data Mining)
  • IJCAI (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
  • ICLR (International Conference on Learning Representations)
  • ICML (International Conference on Machine Learning)
  • IUI (International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces)
  • NIPS (Neural Information Processing Systems)
  • RecSys (ACM Conference on Recommender Systems)
  • SDM (SIAM International Conference on Data Mining)
  • SIGIR (ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and development in information retrieval)
  • SIGKDD (ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining)
  • SIGMOD (ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data)
  • VLDB (International Conference on Very Large Databases)
  • WSDM (ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining)
  • WWW (International World Wide Web Conferences)

3. Researchers

4. Papers

5. GitHub Repositories

6. Useful Sites

7. Youtube Videos