
Flask web app demonstrating database programming using the MySQL sakila example database

Primary LanguageHTML

Sakila Demo

Flask web app demonstrating database programming using the MySQL sakila example database


  1. Python 3, which I recommend getting through Miniconda -- remember to get the Python 3.5 version! Then at your command line do:

    $ conda install python pip flask pymysql
  2. This app uses flask_bootstrap and flask_wtf, the latest versions of which are not available from conda, so you'll need to get them with pip:

    $ pip install flask-bootstrap
    $ pip install flask-wtf
  3. And, of course, MySQL.


  1. Start your MySQL server (if necessary, mainly on OS X).
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. cd to the sakila-demo directory
  4. Run python sakila_demo.py.


Of course you need to know Python and MySQL. The new stuff for most students will be:

  1. The Python DB-API and PyMySQL's implementation of it.
  2. The Flask web application framework.
  3. The Bootstrap web front end framework.
  4. You'll need at least a firm grasp of HTML. Knowledge of CSS and JavaScript are also helpful but not essential. You can learn these at Mozilla Developer Network.