Tutorial to introduce Unity game development - gently, learning a 2D workflow for a very simple 2D platform game from scratch (yes it's a word document at present - I'll copy PDF versions when I get a chance, and eventually will turn it into an HTML responsive website - but for speed of drafting I'm using the word processor I know best)
the files:
- the tutorial document is: gravity_guy_2D.docx
- the tutorial document (PART 2) is: gravity_guy_2D - part 2.docx
- the ZIPed Unity project directory is: gg2D_unity_project.zip
- the ZIPed Unity videos directory is: videos.zip
- directory 'images' you can ignore - it's just the collection of screenshots used in the tutorial document.
I'm not sure where the background image came from - it's just a placeholder which I'll replace once I get a chance this is a free tutorial (non-profit) but if anyone has an issue with any of these placeholder images, let me know and I'll remove/replace them
The main character and controller scripts is from the Unity 2D platform tutorial - since Gravity Guy is a free tutorial to help people get to know Unity in a step-by-step gentle fashion, I'm assuming Unity are happy for me to reuse their openly available 2D tutorial assets but if anyone has an issue with any of these placeholder images, let me know and I'll remove/replace them
have fun!
Matt Smith - Jan 2014