

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Getting Started with Serverless Stack (SST)

This project was bootstrapped with Create Serverless Stack.

Start by installing the dependencies.

$ npm install


npm run start

Starts the local Lambda development environment.

npm run build

Build your app and synthesize your stacks.

Generates a .build/ directory with the compiled files and a .build/cdk.out/ directory with the synthesized CloudFormation stacks.

npm run deploy [stack]

Deploy all your stacks to AWS. Or optionally deploy a specific stack.

npm run remove [stack]

Remove all your stacks and all of their resources from AWS. Or optionally remove a specific stack.

npm run test

Runs your tests using Jest. Takes all the Jest CLI options.

Create Cognito account

aws cognito-idp sign-up --region eu-central-1 --client-id xxx --username some@email.com --password Passw0rd!
aws cognito-idp admin-confirm-sign-up --region eu-central-1 --user-pool-id xxx --username some@email.com

Create Note

npx aws-api-gateway-cli-test --username="some@email.com" --password="Passw0rd!"  --user-pool-id="xxx" --app-client-id="xxx" --cognito-region="eu-central-1" --identity-pool-id="xxx"  --invoke-url="xxx" --api-gateway-region="eu-central-1" --path-template="/notes" --method="POST" --body="{\"content\":\"Hello World\"}"

Get Note

npx aws-api-gateway-cli-test --username="some@email.com" --password="Passw0rd!"  --user-pool-id="xxx" --app-client-id="xxx" --cognito-region="eu-central-1" --identity-pool-id="xxx"  --invoke-url="xxx" --api-gateway-region="eu-central-1" --path-template="/notes/xxx" --method="GET"

Delete Note

npx aws-api-gateway-cli-test --username="some@email.com" --password="Passw0rd!"  --user-pool-id="xxx" --app-client-id="xxx" --cognito-region="eu-central-1" --identity-pool-id="xxx"  --invoke-url="xxx" --api-gateway-region="eu-central-1" --path-template="/notes/xxx" --method="DELETE"