
LineAge 2 Interlude server emulator, written in C# and based on PTS files

Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

L2Interlude is an open-source server emulator written in C# .Net Core.

This project was created with goal to learn C# .Net Core Framework and have fun.
PTS scripts files included and working with the server.

Technical Specification

  • DB MariaDB
  • Net Core Framework 3.1
  • ORM Dapper
  • DataBase Migrations

What is done

  • Loading PTS files but not all data are parsed yet
  • Loaded Html files
  • Create character
  • Moving character
  • Day/Night
  • Mini Map
  • Basic inventory
  • Loading Zones from PTS files
  • Loading NpcData from PTS files
  • Loading NpcPos from PTS files
  • Player Known List
  • Few Magic Skills (Wind Walk, Heal, SongOfWind)
  • A bit GeoData for Skills
  • Chat with Npcs
  • Npc Known List
  • Npc Service which is connecting to GameService through socket 3333 port by default
  • Social Actions for citizen Npc
  • Few Town Teleport
  • Dummy Npc Files in NpcService project

What is in progress

  • Improving NpcService and add few NpcAi
  • Working with Player Skills
  • Working with Npc Skills


If you have any ideas please write me s0uldr3dd@gmail.com